Sir I apologize? Are you insulted? Well, I guess it must be true then =) So very sorry =(
Nope, it just means you aren’t actually able to come up with an argument, its why you resort to insults to provoke an emotional reaction.
Like I said, I dont care what random strangers on the internet think. Especially ones that are so shamed they hide on an alt.
If that was true then you would not respond =). Look im trying to keep my responses short enough for you happy now?
How many posts are you up to today? 65? And you dont take the forums seriously?
Everytime you respond makes me happy
oh you sure do kill a lot of time on the forums, 2.7k posts worth of time, must have a pretty boring life.
Your happiness is of great concern for me. I am happy that you are happy, despite you actually being a very unhappy person. Any joy I can bring to your life means alot to me, yourself, and the entire forum.
Thank you for your time, your joy, and your never-ending ability to be a complete douchebag day in, and day out.
I gotta sleep. Tell your family I said hello.
Nope, just work a lot.
Not much to do when waiting on the city to come fix an issue before I can go home.
See you tomorrow Mr. obsessed.
yeah umm…that’s the definition of a boring life, you prowl the forums in your spare time
Nope. I prowl the forums at work.
Which means I am getting paid to post.
yeah, you’re not sounding any better…family must be proud lol
$62 an hour to wait for the city. Im sure they are fine.
Tell me do you work 24 hours a day? Because you have 67 posts within a 24 hour period lol. That is quite insane haha.
I find it hard to believe someone with a job, a family and adult responsibilities would have that much extra time to post this much. I mean the math just does not compute.
I mean its now midnight and your still going strong haha. Maybe we are dealing with some Russian AI trollbot that has become self aware or something lol.
I dont think you are even human anymore. You dont sleep you just troll all day everyday.
Fascinating. O sorry for making this a paragraph, I know how tough that is on you.
Good night you need sleep dont try to get the last word. Thx.
Let the man cook in the forums, don’t hate.
oh you def have the money for your paid carries, it all makes sense now
Im on call 24/7 yes.
I mean you clearly dont understand how an on call blue collar job works.
Keep coping and thinking I buy carries because I am better than you lol
I think you are full of it. Everything. Its all lies isnt it?
Also if I keep responding I can perhaps keep you awake all night long since you have to respond. How is that working theory? Does it have some merit?
When if ever do you sleep bro? To keep things in perspective your 67 posts in a single day is more than I have in nearly a year lol. Thats about as nolifer as it gets amirite?
You are entitled to your opinion, you are wrong.
I honestly dont care what you beleive.
Nope, I am about to head home and get some sleep.
Ok well goodnight no reason to respond to this. Just go to sleep. You don’t need to get the last word in. Troll ya later gator.
Yeah it’s astonishing to me that there’s no BM Hunter cleave/AoE tuning being done this week. In M0s BM Hunters do the same damage as good tanks on the trash pulls (which will be like 60-70% of an M+) and only do decent damage on bosses. The only time BM can match a competent DPS player or a good tank on trash is once every 2 minutes when CotW is up. Just a bummer tbh.
he obviously cares about what we think, otherwise he wouldn’t keep talking to us in his spare time lol that poor guy