Praying to the Beast Mastery gods for help

Mostly curious to see how long he’ll keep this up for lol

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He’ll continue as long as you do, if you’re trying to get “the last post in” for pride or whatever else you’re just giving him what he wants, put it on the ignore list and move on my man.

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you underestimate me friend

Haha you know its burning him up not getting the last word. He is like the terminator. He will be back lol. His ego cant handle it…

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Uh… Actually, no, there’s no good reason for BM to be unviable in any PvE content. Not preferred/not ideal is one thing, unviable is another entirely.

And how’s it been doing since? Blizzard has basically not touched it since they threw a sledgehammer at it, which was before launch. Where’s the tuning?

Okay, and? BM deserves to sit out an entire season over wonky prepatch balancing?

Because I wasn’t maining Hunter. So obviously you’re going to perform better than a fresh 70 in greens rofl.

You didn’t out perform my warlock.

lol your logs are only better because in 10.2

I was 471 and you were 482 and even then you just barely beat me.

Congrats you beat an alt hunter rofl.

My warlock demolished your logs with an 89 overall and a 93 overall by ilvl.

lol cope harder Mr heroic. I wasn’t carried in mythic.

It’s 100% viable in raiding right now.

It’s playable in dungeons but it needs an aoe buff.

In what world is bm not playable?

It’s been touched a few times and it’s being reworked in 11.0.5.

It’s very strong in raid right now btw

It’s generally considered good if your class has two strong specs in mplus. Currently mm and sv are doing well

Bm does need an aoe buff but don’t act like it will be dead the entire season

Which isn’t its pain point. I wasn’t speaking to raiding.

So you’re basically admitting that BM isn’t even particularly ‘viable’ in AoE. Just ‘playable’. Like, “yeah, you can play it, just be aware you’re inting because Blizzard decided to ignore your spec, go play MM instead”? That kind of ‘playable’?

Cool, so it gets to sit in the dirt outside of raiding until near the end of next month. In what world is that acceptable balancing?

OP wasn’t speaking to ST, try reading.

MM and SV being viable or good doesn’t make BM being unviable in M+ an acceptable outcome. So you’re blatantly admitting BM isn’t particularly viable for M+, just ‘playable’ like that means something.

Why do adjustments for BM need to wait until the end of next month? Major Hero Talent adjustments, sure, I can see that needing time in the oven. Why are you trying to excuse or rationalize “just play another spec” as a valid answer to BM being, in your words, strictly ‘playable’?

Going “OH BUT SINGLE TARGET GUYS!!!” every time AoE gets brought up makes you look like a damned clown, and you need to stop.

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You said it’s not viable in any pve content.

You won’t do tank level damage but you won’t rock meters.

Viable doesn’t even apply to the majority of players.

I can read perfectly fine. Can you? I never said BM aoe didn’t need addressed.

Because any changes now would have to be rolled back. And if you actually did any reading you would see I have said beast cleave should have a small buff.

I said play other specs because you basically have two options.

Play bm and be behind in aoe until the buffs


Play another spec that thrives in aoe better.

I don’t care what you do

Nah I’m going to continue telling people that are complaining about tank level damage that it’s a them issue.

Feel free to actually quote me on that, instead of simply implying I said it. Please, feel free to quote me and then realize you misread what I typed out. I know exactly what I’ve said.

Cool. Didn’t ask you for your opinion on it, though you seem pretty happy to shout an opinion nobody asked for out to anybody who brings up BM lacking in AoE throughput.

I like how you didn’t even try to address the fact that you are implying it is strictly ‘playable’ in AoE, dancing around viability as a term and trying to recontextualize the argument to render the term invalid. You chose playable as a term, and I’m holding you to choosing to use that term instead of viable for BM in AoE.

Right, so you’re trolling them for no reason to start a pissing contest when you’ve already admitted BM is lacking in AoE?

Cool, didn’t ask. Point was BM seems to be egregiously bad in AoE and it’s lacking tuning to fix that currently. Do you have anything to say other than “yep needs buffs, BUT OH MY GOD LOOK AT OUR ST GUYS!!!”, or are you just trolling? What you’re doing comes across as trolling for responses at this point.

So you’re going to continue being a clown. Got it.


ok guy, whatever you say


Three times for good measure.

Considering most of the people I’m responding too are making claims that it does tank level damage which is incorrect.

Is it viable for pushing titles? No

Is it playable up to 8s or 10s? Yes.

I didn’t start it.

Nah. I’m not the one being emotional and throwing insults.

Yep. I rather enjoy when facts back up what I say as well.

Ooh, big fella thinks he’s clever because he isolated part of a statement and thinks de-contextualizing that statement makes him right!

Here, let me go over it to help you.

So, first, here’s what I quoted you on in this statement:

What you’re saying here is that the spec isn’t going to be viable in all sorts of content. I principally disagree with this statement, because I think all specs should be viable in any PvE content, so I reply thus:

The full statement with context. I’m saying there’s no good reason for BM to be unviable in any PvE content. I never said it was unviable in all content, which is why you couldn’t actually quote me saying that. I assumed you might be capable of understanding the difference between me saying “it shouldn’t be unviable in any PvE content” (which I did say) and “it’s unviable in all PvE content” (which I did not say), but I guess I shouldn’t have assumed you were capable of understanding my statement fully.

Sure, sure. Yet by your own choice of term you call it playable instead of viable.

So we agree then, it’s not particularly viable in AoE, it’s just playable. Technically playable fits the bill as any way you log into the game and do anything, so technically playing through the entire game refusing to wear armor or use talents is playable as well. Doesn’t mean it’s a good solution or the intended method of doing things, but as long as we’re using the term playable it’s valid, no?

This reads off as the rationalization of a child. Grow up.

I’m saying you’re acting like a clown because you are acting like a clown, and I’ve interacted with you enough in the forums to know you’re usually not acting like one.


You know how this works in pugs/listed groups for M+… I think that’s the real issue most people are taking huge exception to.

That’s a huge chunk of people, and even in guilds people are going to avoid subpar classes (just more subtly) if they are pushing keys.

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He claims to be a adult with a blue color job with a family. Yeah I dont believe it either. Dude is wayyyyy to immature.

Really? This is the way I always see him. Always arguing. Always fighting over something trivial. Day after day after day.

fact is you play bad and die on logs lol get guuuuuuuuud

You’ve misread him completely lol and just doubling down even though you’re wrong here. There is no reason for bm to be unviable in any pve content implies that it should be viable in all pve content.

If you like inting your group that’s how bad the aoe is.

I am clever.

No need.

Because playable and viable have different meanings.

Respect is earned. I don’t show people respect who don’t respect me.

You’re entitled to your opinion.

Still obsessed I see

Good thing reality doesn’t matter what you believe.

You also take the forums way way way too seriously.

I play a lot better than you do so what does that make you?