So on all the lightwell specs for holy priest they have you using prayer of healing in the rotation. I feel like it does very little healing and I should not use it at all, same with circle of healing, Am I off on this or maybe suppose to be comboing it with something to get more juice out of it?
Currently, Prayer of Healing is useless to cast. You’re better of casting Flash Heal to individual party members as an alternative, especially with Trail of Light talent. We pick Prayer of Healing talents in the tree only because we have to.
Circle of Healing, while weak, is usable during movement.
Last xpac you only really used prayer after it was boosted by circle. It might be the same this xpac. I’m not sure because I stopped healing on my priest but either way it’s really underwhelming, heals like a wet noodle and some priests ignore it (and lightwell) altogether.
However check out the upcoming changes that have been flagged.
From the 11.1 Undermine(d) Development Notes:
- When you activate Apotheosis, your next 3 Heal or Prayer of Healing casts are instant and heal for 25% more.
- Prayerful Litany has been redesigned – Now causes the primary target of Prayer of Healing to be healed for 75% more.
- Prayer of Healing healing increased by 40%.
- Prayer of Healing mana cost increased by 25%.
- Prayer of Healing cast time is now 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Lightweaver can now also be consumed by Prayer of Healing in addition to Heal.
- Prayer of Healing now prioritizes nearby injured targets instead of the closest targets.
- Prayer of Healing now has an impact visual on allies it heals.
Note also:
- Lightwell is no longer on a choice node with Lightweaver.
- Lightwell’s health threshold is now 75% (was 50%).
- Lightweaver now accumulates up to 4 charges (was 2).
The following talents have been removed:
- Circle of Healing
- Guardians of the Light
- Healing Chorus
- Holy Word: Salvation
- Orison
- Pontifex
- Revitalizing Prayers
- Sanctified Prayers
- Say Your Prayers
Things will change up a lot going forward so keep practicing the way you are now if that’s the Holy play style you enjoy. Yes PoH is underwhelming right now, it’s not just you but a lot of holy priests still use it and lightwell because that is the style of healing they are familiar with and enjoy.
The fact that they are splitting lightwell and lightweaver to where we can get both is HUGE IMO
Normally you’d take PoH to cast during apotheosis/answered prayers proc to reset sanctify and to get to circle of healing. Otherwise, it’s been pretty useless the the past two expansions at least.
With the buff’s to PoH it will baseline do 8% more healing then a cast of Heal. Prayerful Litany will make the initial target take about the same amount of healing as half of a Flash Heal. Not great, not bad.
The main limiting factor with PoH is its mana cost being increased by +25%. Even with Prayer Circle PoH will cost more then Flash Heal to cast so you will be punished pretty fast chain casting PoH.
The feedback loop is supposed to be using Sanctify to activate Prayer Circle and then casting PoH w/ Lightweaver to reduce it to a 1.4s cast time. This combo will make PoH do +70% more healing if you’re using Resonant Words.
PoH is unlikely to be a M+ viable heal, but in raid it will be more powerful due to the smart AI healing they’re adding to it. They want us to choose to either cast Flash Heal/Heal or PoH depending on the circumstances. You still need to use Flash Heal to build charges of Lightweaver.
I can see an extreme AoE burst combo if you activate Apotheosis + Halo as a Holy Archon. The 3x Instant Cast + Lightweaves that come from all the halos can create a potential for great mobile AoE healing not to mention all the Holy Word: Sanctifies you can drop with the amount of instant cast PoH you can pump out + CD reduction from Apotheosis. Your worst enemy will be global cooldowns at this point.
This is my biggest issue with the changes. Still doesn’t give us the tools to deal with the burst aoe healing needed in dungeons.
The problem with PoH is you’re salami slicing a cast of Heal on 5 people which will barely move their health bars. You’d be healing each person for 150-200k when we have near 7mil hp bars.
Even with all the changes on the upcoming PTR it’s not going to help Holy in the passive AOE healing department in M+ which is where Disc excels at.
The mana cost…. With the measly heal…. Uhmmmm ok. Using 2 will prob starve u.