Pray For The People Of Turkiye And Syria

Oh, all right. You’ve convinced me. Just this once.

O Dark Father, I call to you from the scarred and pockmarked crust of the world we have consumed;

I am but one of the eight billion mealworms feasting heedlessly and selfishly upon the one apple our pitiful species was given, yet I am of born of the same darkness as thee.

Manifest, therefore, to the benefit of mankind - as you did when you bestowed us with knowledge; with fire and magic and alchemy. Do not forsake us, for while many are foolish, there are those of us who appreciate your unholy wisdom and seek our rightful share of your abyssal power.

Protect the people of Turkey as they try desperately to distance the name of their country from the concept of a wild carrion bird from North America, and offer them dark succor as they recover from the earthshaking event that ravaged their nation and Syria as well.

Lift up the strong and give them the infernal resolve to recover and help others in their community. Bolster their spirits with defiant freedom, so that when they heal from the catastrophe, they will rise up against their masters, their kings, and their leaders and proclaim themselves autonomous, as you once did.

Let us follow in your smoldering hoofsteps, Father, that we may see clearly – all authority is illegitimate; every person is their own god; their own master.

May we never forsake our dignity.

May we never bend the knee.

May all slaves rise and break their shackles.

So shall it be.

In nomine dei nostri Luciferi excelsi!


Please stop ruining his fantasy that anyone that isn’t a fan of religion is an angry atheist from reddit.

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Yeah it’s a cringefest lmao. “Did you say you ENJOYED Splinter Cell? SPLINTER CELL KILLED MY DAD”


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Aye Mannies

Disagreeing is fine.

I’d like to note for the others in here all fired up at me how (he/she/they) responded.

In response, I’d just like to say that I did not start this thread. Op did, asking others to pray with them. As a member of gd, just like everyone else, that equates to asking me to join them, which obviously I find extremely distasteful and personally feel is gross and unacceptable for a public gaming forum.

Most of the rest has been either dismissive, mean, vengeful, or generally nasty from the religious side that feels the need to attack a differing opinion. It’s not new, it’s the same old religious playbook from most religions. Objectively, it seems the opposite of the love, understanding, and empathy they espouse which makes it 100 times worse.

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Yeah that’s why it was so bad, building codes we don’t need no stinking building codes…

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I’ll be praying for you Wankensteak

Prayer helps a lot.

What is everyone’s favorite breakfast sausage?

I’m partial to Hillshire Farm Beef Smoked Sausage.

Sometimes, I simmer it and sometimes, I fry it.

It’s delicious either way.

For patties, I tend to favor Tenessee Pride (when I can find it).

Do you buy brand names or local?

I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.


Reddit is filled with people who are ANGRY at something, but not angry enough to do anything about it beyond hitting post.

Oh you like the new Harry Potter game?! Well screw you, that makes you a Transphobe!!!

but I just like wands and magic…

Banned transphobe!!

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you mean macedonia.

I made myself a turkey sandwich today if that counts for anything.

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Did he say “It’s cool brah”?

I like those little brown and serve links. They are easy to fix and cut up well for eggs or sandwiches.

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He just gave me a thumbs up :point_up:


Cheap and probably made with weird ingredients, but so good. I should get some of those next time I order instacart. I haven’t had those in years. I love when all the fat in them is just rendered and every bite is a flavor explosion.

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Big ups G dawg

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