Power Word Shield Help Please?

Hey everyone I’m LF an addon to tell me how much absorption I have left on my Power Word: Shield. Is this what Weak Auras or something can do? If so, can someone just briefly explain how to set that up?

It would be a huge advantage to be able to tell how much of my shield is remaining. I have been unable to find anything through google searches or on Wowinterface’s website.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!!

I performed a search using the Internet and a search engine called Google. I found it at the address Google.com

The search terms I used were, “powerword shield remaining”

There were too many relevant results to list them all here.

You may find this one helpful


For some reason I occasionally lose cast time on my Mind Flay when I get hit with a Shield on. Bug?

Lol what the heck Elite I searched for “absorb addon” and “classic shield addon” and nothing came up after 2014 lmao. Thank you!


It’s funny, as it doesn’t seem to be a relevant skill in 2019 to be on my resume, but my first resumes had “good at online searches” listed under skills :slight_smile:

I notice you’ve asked about setting up WAs, and this one I linked shows some pretty good in-depth info about it. I haven’t actually played with WAs yet, so hopefully you get this working.

I think I could likely help with troubleshooting, if you encounter any issues.

Well I’m pretty unfamiliar with setting up Weak Auras, I tried importing the string of code from the link you sent me but it was to no avail. I am not sure if it doesn’t work with Classic, or if my ineptitude is simply on full display… lmao.

Well, I don’t think WAs is super straightforward to set up, but maybe we can use this as a chance to get familiar with it.

The string it gives seems to be a hash of the code that the poster authored to solve this problem.

It could be that the hash is out of date or that the code doesn’t work. I suppose I can fire up WoW, and the WAs documentation and see if we can figure this out!

BTW, there does appear to be a WAs list of custom scripts available for priests at wago.io which may offer what you’re looking for.

:open_mouth: that would be a big help. I tried entering his step-by-step guide but get lost on the final step in terms of the “duration, custom untrigger” etc.
When I cast PW:S now, I have a timer display appear but I cant see a numerical value on the absorption amount.

OK, so I’ve played around with WAs a little, and I have yet to figure this out!

All I have done so far is

install WeakAuras2

In game, open up the WeakAuras UI with /wa, then create a new “Texture”.

Under the Trigger tab, “Event” for Type, and under Event, select “Entering/Leaving Combat”. Under Event Type, select “Entering”.

Then add a second trigger, and do the opposite for “Leaving” combat.

That’s it! That gives me an animation when I enter and leave combat. Not really anywhere near what you’re looking for yet.

So, somewhere in here, I suspect that the forum post author is saying to use:

Type: Custom

Custom Trigger:
  WA_absorb = 0

As a custom function that sets the variable WA_absorb to the value 0. I’m not quite sure if the lines

Type: Custom

Custom Trigger:

are intended to be in the custom code, or if those are meant as comments for where to place which things, but I suspect the latter, something like this:

Sorry, I haven’t quite figured this out yet, but I wasn’t expecting it to be such a time-consuming process.

Oh my goodness haha I didn’t expect you to go all into it like this! But man I sure appreciate you trying. I’ve been able to get WA to display a duration buff for my shield but I can’t figure out how to get it to display a numerical value for the remaining absorption amount.

Wish there was a simple addon specifically for this! Lol

Oh whoops my character changed. I am the OP (Brimli) lol

Does the Googles work for other class questions too? Can you trust the results?? Never heard of it. Oh like can i do this. GOOGLE are Pallies heals really worth down ranking??

Maybe. I haven’t tried to verify it for myself, but I suspect a strong correlation between the quality of your results and the quality of your search terms.

While this may result in the answer(s) you are looking for, I also suspect it may come with more opinion than explanation as how to come to determine this sort of thing for yourself, which may also be of value, depending on what you are looking for.

Of course, if you are able to read and understand the tooltips of those skills, then and perform some relatively simple calculations, you’ll be able to determine which whether the cost of mana vs the amount healed is worth using or not, regardless of rank of skill.

I am unfamiliar with Paladin healing skill numbers, and so I have to guess that there are no ranks of skills that become less efficient in amount healed based on amount of mana cost, but if that happens, then you could also use your judgement as to how useful that skill would be vs a lower rank of it, in whichever situations you are contemplating using it. You may also be able to test it, and even come up with formulae/formulas to determine which ranks to use under which conditions.

You are not alone, I had to set up my own Dot timers and soulshard tracker, and it took me a good 30+ minutes to figure it out. Was a lot harder than I imagined. Now, I need to set up a combo point/energy tracking version for my rogue.

Oh well thanks ill give it a try :hugs:
Ill try something less risky first to verify the type of results like
./can i feed my cat sushie.

have you considered that maybe all of the results that show up aren’t specifically for classic wow? I have been looking and have been unable to find one.