The tooltip for Power Word: Fortitude is showing incorrect amounts of stamina being provided on other players.
As a 60 Priest with 2/2 Improved Fortitude, I provide 70 stamina to people of sufficient level to benefit from max rank.
When I mouse over myself, the tooltip accurately reflects this. However, when I place the buff on other 60s, including those I am grouped with, it only shows 54 stamina as being provided. When others look at my own buff, they see the same thing, 54 stamina.
The tooltip, when viewing buffs on others, is not showing correct amounts.
I have the exact same issue. Did you find a way to fix it?
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It is a blizzard issue. Shows up with the default UI and no addons. Turns out it also impacts other buffs including paladin buffs.
I noticed this last night in BRD with guildies over voice comms. It showed correctly for me, all party members had 70 stam. But they all saw the buff as if it was only 54 stam. Bumping for visibility.
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Blessing of Wisdom for paladins shows same issue.
Improved Mark of the Wild and Improved Thorns have the same issue for Druids.
It was like that back in Vanilla as well.
This is vanilla-like everyone. This belongs on the not-a-bug list.
Buffs with improvements to them (via talents or otherwise) still showed the BASE amount of the buff in vanilla, regardless if the values were actually higher.
Never in vanilla did buffs display their true value, but rather the base value of the ability. So power word fort would show 54 stamina increase even if it was actually increasing stamina by more than that number via talent specialization.
Please move on. There are many real bugs that need addressing.
Thirding that this is correct Vanilla behavior.
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Well then it must have been bugging for months when it was showing up accurately as 70 for me until just this week.
Having this exact problem with thorns and mark of the wild. And I know for a fact that the values were displayed properly previously.
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Doesn’t this happen when you have a talent that improves it? And retail does it too, no?
Glad I’m not the only person with this problem.
Been this way forever. They said it’s on their end and extremely hard to fix for one reason or another.