Power Infusion

Apologies if this has been covered ad nauseam but searched and did not come up with much. I’m trying to locate a good resource/gain understanding on best use of PI. Casters? Specs that prioritize haste? Lining up with CDs such as Trueshot?

Are there any weak auras or addons you might recommend? Thank you in advance.

OMNICD will let you track the cooldowns of your party members. You can pick and choose which ones are shown as well.

As far as which classes are best to use it on, you’ll have to do a little bit reading for. Classes that favour haste are always a good pick for it or specs with really big CDs like ele and ascendance.

You can just opt to use it on classes with two min DMG CDs to make it easy on yourself as well.

Why OmniCD?

Just get the Dibs on Power Infusion weakaura. It lights up your PI target like a christmas tree on your raid frames, when they use their big cooldown.


Just shows you more information. Like time remaining on their CDs, can track minor CDs if you want to use PI and don’t want to hold it for whatever reason.

Edit: and can also track defensives

Dibs on PI is great. I believe there is a list some where on the internet that tells you the best specs to PI.

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Thank you for these suggestions!

Also something a lot of Priests do is just figure out who is doing the most DPS, especially every two minutes, and give it to them. If the “best” spec in your group is, in fact, a nose-picker with low iLvl and you have someone else that is basically hard carrying the group’s damage, then the choice there should be pretty obvious.

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This is sorta true, sorta not.

It’s still useful to know how effective the class is for PI, because sometimes it quite literally is still more beneficial to PI the worse player.

Like in the case of a Sub or Outlaw rogue vs an unholy DK, even if you’re seeing numbers like Outlaw at 3,000,000 and the UDK at 2,000,000. Your PI could be bumping the UDK by 200,000 and the outlaw by 50,000. That’s how different the disparity between how useful haste is for a class can be.


Enhancement is the best to give it too! Like up with their ascendance! But yeah OMNICD is best to see when DPS has their CDS