Power Infusion Rant

Let’s change the spell- It grants +20% dmg increase along with the haste buff to all party members. Then after infusing everyone, the priest dies and is prevented from being battle rezzed. They do continue to appear in the battle though as a fabulous shining goddess

This was what I always thought they should do, just give it something akin to the Paladin bubble debuff.

PI would still be strong / fun, but at least it might limit the degeneracy you see in logs.

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You are still only providing your summary without any evidence to back it up (a picture supporting PIs on top warlocks would have sufficed). However, after looking myself, I tend to agree with you that Locks get PI often… not sure that their damage falls off a cliff without PI though. Also not convinced the devs are target locks for nerfs based around PI.

This is what I see for Mythic Raid DPS over the last 2 weeks, 95th percentile:

The Top 3 Unholoy DKs are Finesthour, Floydhawk, and Tasso.

The latest log shows that on Primal Council our rank 1.1 DPS got zero PIs (they went to Chickenism and Shuxd). On Dathea, he/she got two PIs. On Terros, there are two PIs on the subject.

Unholy DK is taking a damage nerf to its 4-piece tier in 10.1 as noted HERE (Consuming Sudden Doom grants 1 extra stack of Master of Death (was 2 stacks)). Frost DK is taking two damage nerfs. … Devastation seems to have two damage buffs offset by two damage nerfs.

Continuing on we can build this table for the top 10 specs.

Here’s a bar chart of the average PIs per boss in Vault of the Incarnates.

From that it’s pretty clear that Destro/Demo Warlocks, MM Hunters, Unholy DKs, and Devastation Evokers are all getting PI more consistently than the other 5 specs in the top-10. There’s no significant correlation between # PIs received today and # nerfs coming tomorrow (CORREL(E:F) = 0.057), which is far from 1.0 or -1.0). A simple count of nerfs is not as useful as overall DPS impact due to cumulative nerfs, but that’s not easy to calculate. Subsequently, the correlation metric has low confidence.

As far as damage nerfs currently on the PTR for those top 5 PI specs, I’m not seeing anything for warlocks, unless it’s not in the main PTR notes. MM has dmg nerfs incoming it seems, while Unholy looks like an overall buff to me (Gargoyle Strike reduced by 8% but Reaping, Festering Would, Death Coil all buffed). Devastation has a ton of changes, both nerfs and buffs; again difficult to assess.

[Devastation changes omitted for brevity]


No. 10 chars


Let me cast PI on dead teammates.

For science…

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And they “balanced” my class in 10.1 around some make belief boogyman with out taking any community feedback or listening to what we actually needed…

Cry more

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It’s like an enhanced Mind Control/Resurrection where they get buffed and just attack your target for you. Or just /dance if you want them to while glowing

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Your corpse decays 25% faster.


Its lust lol.

How about no?

Raids aren’t the only forms of end game content in this game. How about asking for changes to your class without ruining the utility of another class.

edit - Not sure why this was replied to you, I was talking to the op. Lol.

Solution is easy. Give all classes “PI” ability, or self only, or no PI at all.

its so much fun when you play pi roulette and someone realizes the tank has pi


pi should be removed.

I think the game was like this in WoD maybe? Everyone had some buff to share with one other player. Or close to it.

Counter point:

We need more spells like Power Infusion where classes can buff each other and interact.


Because competition is the only thing left when players have completed their desired progression. It’s what keeps people playing when they’ve already “won”.

Anyway, here’s a thought:
Rework PI. Instead of increasing haste, which can’t attribute the extra damage to the Priest, have it be essentially Multistrike. If the buff is the source of the damage rather than being an actual raw stat added to the buffed player, it can then be attributed to the casting Priest and arguments like this go away.

Paladins had something (kind of) like this during Legion, I think? I forget what spec and what ability.

That’s why I’ve started casting it on random people I pass in the world.

Someone killing a murloc? PI
Someone picking an herb? PI
Someone AFK? PI

The only thing that slows me down is the cooldown.

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Sure, as long as Priests get to also summon people to instances.

Something that makes us special for something that makes you special. Fair deal to me.

You have Fortitude, Life Grip, and didn’t they make it so you can talent into a self-brez?

Hey I’m all for it - you wanna keep going? Take Life Grip for Healthstones too. I’ll even throw in the Stupid Stamina buff to sweeten the deal. And no, we don’t get Brez.