Power Infusion Rant

I agree, I hate having to use it on others. It takes from my DPS as a spriest.

How? Just mouseover macro it, drop it on a fren’s frame, and then both of you get it.

I thought only 1 person got it, what?

If you talent for it then both your target and you get it.


I usually toss mine on a DK, Mage or Lock depending on which is pulling the best numbers.


The community needs to solve this problem, not the game devs. Specifically Warcraftlogs and Details! Make it so that 25% of damage done under the effect of PI is credited to the Priest instead. This not only makes it so selfish parse players DON’T want PI (since 25% haste is almost always less than 25% damage), it also shows how much added benefit the Priest is bringing to the group with it. E.g. a healing Priest doing 15k DPS by themselves but adding 10k to someone else would look better on meters/logs than another healer pulling 20k DPS.


I didnt even notice, thats neat. A better way is to macro it. Put it @focus target.

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DPS need to stop worrying about parses so much so long as bosses are dying and loot is being had.


A huge haste buff to an entire group? That’s crazy, it’d need like a 10 minute CD!

As opposed to all those classes where none of the top parses have PI?

Unless there’s a spec out there that literally no one ever casts PI on, every spec’s top parses are people who got PI, because PI is strong and parsers measure it badly (giving the recipient credit for the extra damage they didn’t cause). It’s related to the reason every class’s top parses are people who got a lucky crit streak.

It seems pretty unlikely to me Blizzard would nerf an entire spec based on a few outlier parses. But I’m willing to look at evidence if you actually have any, and not just a conspiracy theory.

P.S. It’s too bad Blizzard missed the opportunity to add this to the April Fool’s patch notes: “New effect added to Power Infusion: the target is now 10% more likely to be nerfed in the next patch.”


I just don’t take the talent. PI is stupid and I’m not playing the “buff me” game with DPS.

I play the “consistently buff someone that isn’t the person asking for it” game with DPS. If I like you and/or the numbers you’re putting up, you’ll probably get PI pretty often.

If you tell me that I have to give you my PI because you are “big pumper guy” then you’re never going to see it.


The thing is, as someone who played a buff class very similar to that. It isn’t the parsers that are the problem when it comes to things like this. It’s the people who don’t get it throwing an absolute tantrum and treating it as a “If I can’t play ball with the other kids, I’m going to pop it so nobody can play” sort of matter. I’ve only had a toxic situation with a buff and a parse minded player once and that was more they literally guilt tripped me by reforging their gear to greed more crit and arguing without Dark Intent they didn’t have the haste to make a crucial breakpoint. Then after raid I looked at his gear and noticed he reforged out of haste he could’ve been getting to meet that breakpoint effortlessly.

It’s also funnier when they make excuses like “The only reason they do better than me is because they have X buff!” and the gap is so massive you can clearly tell it isn’t the buff’s doing, while also ignoring the fact the person with the buff likely chose the best candidate for it. In a guild group this generally means the best dps who could benefit consistently. Like I didn’t throw Focus Magic on the warlock because he asked, I threw Focus Magic on him because he was the only caster close to on par with me in damage and the boomkin throwing his temper tantrum was riding 6k dps below us.

Same problem with loot councils. Every single time you hear of why loot councils are bad from a player, it almost always is some story about how they brought every consumable, were the nicest person in the raid, did more than their part but got screwed by corrupt leadership. Most of the time it isn’t even close to that and it’s just someone starting a witch hunt because they didn’t get an item they really wanted and saying “Well, someone else got an item I wanted and I don’t like that” doesn’t garner the same level of sympathy as “I NEVER GOT AN ITEM EVER. EVERY ROGUE, AND ALT ROGUE IN THE GUILD WAS GEARED BEFORE ME AND I NEVER SCREWED UP AND WAS THE HIGHEST DPS EVERY FIGHT!”

Maybe it’s because I’ve been on loot councils and dealt with those kinds of people that I naturally understand there are two sides to these stories. Had a rogue in Classic get all angry with me on launch because I was using 6 piece Shadowcraft and it wasn’t worth breaking without a load of gear from MC, so I was defaulting the rogue tier to the other rogues. They were one of our most geared melee. Dude freaks out and guild quits because I gave myself the first Viskag drop, and the Brutality Blade that dropped earlier (we traded out the loot after Onyxia) and he’s sitting with Accuria, and 5 pieces of Nightslayer.

I even recall saying because we were discussing MC loot as we ran to Onyxia in Discord “If Viskag drops I’ll take the Brutality Blade just so I have BiS weapons, if it doesn’t drop I’ll find which rogue hasn’t gotten gear in a while because this is a big item itself.”

Yet because one night I took two weapons, this rogue magically envisioned himself as some guy struggling in his green “of the Monkey” gear, and me as someone with full MC BiS as every other rogue had scraps just adding to a collection. Like FFS me taking two items made this guy think I was Asmongold, after watching me for weeks give every other rogue items before myself. Only thing I can really describe the feeling as would be like imagine being a teenager living at home out of high school and you give every penny of your paychecks to your parents to help out… then them blowing a gasket and calling you a selfish prick because one day you take some of it off the top to service your car.

The only other explanation is that OP is bad at playing warlock and that can’t possibly be the case. :roll_eyes:

I just use it on myself since it’s easier for me.

i guess one could argue its not for the benefit of “the group” if it can only be applied to 1 person. Since 1 person isnt the group. I can see why it creates infighting/drama for I have experienced the false ego gloating of a person who merely happened to be good friends with the only priest in the guild. Its not really fun having someone trying to lord over the rest because they got a large buff that no one else got.

Well, you could make it a 5 minute cool down, then put a 10 minute debuff on anyone who gets it.

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It is doubtful. I’m willing to bet that OP hasn’t looked into any of the Locks who are testing the 10.1 raid right now and just how much damage they’re doing.\

Edit: Literally 4 seconds of googling for 10.1 PTR raid numbers shows that Demo is the top dps spec with destro being fifth.

2nd Edit: Demo is literally 1st or 2nd DPS for every fight in Aberrus.


Maybe in sub 15 keys and normal/heroic, but in actual content the numbers matter. People make entirely new characters for 5% more damage and sometimes, yes it does matter. When you get that 0% wipe on the end boss and the other guy who plays your spec is away ahead of you because he’s getting PI, it does not feel good.

I think this might be…what’s the word…false.

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I’m cool with that!