Power Infusion Macro

Can one of you macro gods help me with a modern PI macro?

I would like one that casts PI on my focus/party1 or target/mouseover and if not existing, will default to myself . The other would just also cast mindbender. I keep trying

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][@player]Power Infusion
/cast shadowfiend
/use 14

Seems to just cast me though. Thanks ahead of time.

/cast [@focus,help,nodead] [@party1,help,nodead] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Power Infusion
/cast [@player] Power Infusion
/cast Shadowfiend
/use 14

Thank you. Seems like it will still fail with no party member or focus target; doesn’t fall back to target,mousover or player.

It 100% works.

Priority is Focus > Party1 > Mouseover > Target > Player
And it will also cast on Player if any of the other targets are out of range/phased etc.

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The Help/harm conditionals by extension also include the exists conditional.

Literally the next cast after focus is a mouseover fallback, and then a nonconditional cast that is effectively a target fallback, and then finally a newline player cast that acts as a final fallback

Oh well unless I focus someone near me just now in LFR it will fail for some reason, also if I am just alone by myself. Says you have no target. Will try to work on it.

You sure that’s not the Shadowfiend portion?

Will check it might be, but the PI won’t fire also. I am getting around it by always having a focus even if it’s myself :slight_smile:

Just to confirm, you’re playing Retail?

Yes sir :slight_smile:

Then ya, I dunno what to tell ya. I tested that exact macro in game and it works exactly as it should.

Even if you had Auto Self Casting disabled it still works exactly as intended.

I noticed it also won’t like work in a BG either unless I focus someone or I guess am near party1? Will test it out.

Turning self cast to auto seems to have made it work. Wait it did might not have been close enough lol.

When it’s failing, do you have a focus or a party member that is just out of range? That’s working as intended. Macro’s can’t test for range, so if the unit exists but is out of range, the macro will just stop there. So, if you’re regularly out of range of party1, the macro will get stuck there and it’s probably better to rethink how you want to do the macro (such as using modifiers.)

Because PI is off the GCD, the macro’s setup to fall back to @player in those instances.

Seems to work now with auto in the self cast option; not sure if this will have some other negative impacts but so far seems to be OK now.

Interesting. What did you have it set to before, and if it was a “key” option which keybind was the macro on?

It was set to off.