Power Infusion 2 min issues

Ok Obviously we will use Void Form and then Power Infusion, just seems odd they don’t line up, then I was thinking why not just lower the haste and let it line up with Void Form, currently 90 sec CD…

But wouldn’t it just be easier to just give Void Form the Haste Buff for 15 seconds and remove Power Infusion, it really is just another button to press on the GCD and will really never line up until our 4th Void Form…

Maybe tune it down and just give Void Form a passives 15% haste aswell and just remove Power Infusion.

Your thoughts?

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I’d be fine with it being less haste and being a 90 second cd. Or maybe even buff the haste it gives and make it a 3 minute cool down so we can line it up for every other Voidform.


I’m ok with that too, maybe 25-30% Haste on a 3 min CD, Just right now it’s in a awkward spot!

Yea it’s definitely not optimal for us with VF right now.

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I’d rather pi was just not castable on ourself and instead was strong ally utility, we already have 2 cooldowns now I’d rather not have a 3rd.


Yeah that’s why I was thinking baking it in with just voidform, but another CD for just Allies could be good too, could be our little niche thing to get us into groups! Outside of Stam Buff.

This please

I want to be a rot spec with minimal CDs. Having to stack CDs feels too much like a mage

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I agree. That’s basically like the new mage talent option. I forgot the name… Focus Magic?

It’s a support abiity, but you get benefits on yourself as well.

Because tell me… Besides trying to help healers with heavy healing phases when needed… In what situation a spriest would NOT cast PI on themselves? :man_shrugging:

or why not just meet in the middle? make VF 1:45cd and Pi 1:45. i think that would balance it out

or just make Pi a 1:30 cd and actually let shadow be good for the first time since Legion prepatch

The less power shadow has to gain from cooldowns, the stronger that makes the base spells after tuning. It’s not like having PI makes us stronger on average, bliz just tune us down when we don’t have it to compensate.


I agree with PI only castable on allies. Makes it so we don’t miss anything by casting PI on allies, and also gives us a strong utility that improves are chances of getting into groups, especially for 5 mans.

theres a legendary for Pi if you cast it on an ally you get 100% of the haste also. why would you want to get rid of a haste buff its super good for shadow

The more cooldowns shadow has access to itself, the less base damage its spells do because the spec becomes more reliant on those periods of time where your cooldowns overalp. Shadow’s major appeal has always been that it isn’t a cd reliant spec, and always has some degree of decent sustain damage. I wanna preserve that.


i guess you never played a shadow priest before legion we always had Pi and it was our burst now were just getting an extra 20% damage buff like every other dps class gets. and if you dont want extra buttons then make a burst macro or just dont play shadow

Yes, we could take PI and then we had shadowfiend (At least from MoP to legion, because before that shadow didnt have PI at all). That’s 2 cooldowns.

Now we have PI, VF, and Shadowfiend. That’s 3 cooldowns.

Get rid of Shadowfiend, not a pet class. I don’t want conduits/binds tied to some stupid pet on a long cd.


thats what macros are for put all ur non GCDs in it with burst trinkets and go with 1 button. You can make a big macro with a bunch non GCDs then add 1 at the very bottom thats on a gcd and it will work fine you can even throw prepots into the burst if you like and drums too. theres even a way to make 1 button rotations in macros that cast 1 gcd after the next ur hot bars can be like 3 buttons if you want and it can do whole rotations within 250 words

I feel like you’re missing something. The issue is not the number of buttons, it’s the relative power of shadow during the time all of them are active, and that spike meaning that shadow’s sustain damage would need to be weaker.


why do you keep saying we have 3 cooldowns if the number of buttons is not an issue? also it seems there already doing a good amount of damage like every other dps spec its just our burst makes it so we can pump out more when its needed. just like how pallys got wings, druid has incarn, monks have trans, mages have icy ven and combust and arcane power, warrior has avatar, shams have ascendance, etc for the rest of the classes