Potential Warfront Ideas

I just wanted to see what sort of warfronts people could come up with. Most probably won’t happen but I think it would be cool if we got some more.

Silvermoon Warfront:
Blood Elves vs Draenei armour sets
Commanders - Rommath or Aethis vs Telaamon

Gilneas Warfront:
Goblins vs Worgen armor sets
Commanders - Hobart or Gazlowe or Patch vs Darius Crowley or Lorna Crowley

Any other potential ideas?

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Tauren vs Dwarf for southern barrens.

Troll vs Gnome in Stranglethorn.

Wintergrasp was the obvious one IMO. In fact i wish Warfronts worked similar to how Wintergrasp of old did.

With Alleria back, would other blood elves rebel against Lor’themar?

edit: like Ennas and Lyria.

Off topic, but doubtful.

Lor’themar has led the Sin’dorei back to some level of stability. The Sunwell is restored and they can begin rebuilding. No sense in fracturing further especially for Alleria, whose very presence can corrupt the Sunwell.

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I want a Silvermoon warfront for the sole reason, I want weapons to match my heritage armor. I cant seem to find a matching sword and shield at all for my Paladin. I need those city guards shields!

Also I’d want it for the sole purpose they’d update Silvermoon and surroundings.


Sorry, it was a rather dumb thought I curious about. I’ve considered the Silvermoon warfront before (I agree with a Silvermoon warfront) but I can’t imagine an alliance race taking control of Silvermoon.

Lori’thamar just kicked everyone out of the city and everyone who talks back against him. That’s a good reason to rebel to see a old kind war hero take over silvermoon and bring back a ruling party under a queen rather a council that server lori’thamar. Also slivermoon is the last major bastion of horde pressence on eastern kingdoms it’s dumb that we would not attack such a spot.

He let Alleria visit the Sunwell you know, not his fault she almost corrupted it again.

After Kael’thas, Silvermoon needs no royalty.

I also have a potential Warfront idea; Remove them.

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Why would a Silvermoon Warfront be anything but Blood Elves vs Void Elves? Also, Telaamon is dead.

Gilneas wouldnt really make sense as anything other than Worgen vs Undead, but we’ve already had undead, so idk. There was a datamined Azshara Warfront and they said we’ll probably see the Bilgewater Cannon fired in BfA so I assume goblins would be part of that one.

Thank you. At least someone understands.


Troll versus Gnome is unfair. The Trolls would just put up really tall fences and then lean over and laugh at the Gnomes.

I think Gnome versus Goblin one, as obvious as it sounds.

Gnome vs anyone is unfair. Its like dropping a spacefaring species onto a planet in the bronze age. Doesnt matter that the gnomes are short, if they can make rail guns and the other side is using bows and spears they’re gonna get destroyed.

I would rather an expansion be improved then jettisoned halfway through. If you want them removed, I am sure there is a thread appropriate to that discussion already.

Yeah. This thread.

Remove them and make actual non-dog content where you don’t queue up, AFK, and receive loot.

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I was mainly going by race mirroring as that is what Blizzard has done so far. Orcs = Humans, Undead = Night Elves etc. Worgen could do fitvs Goblins though in Aszhara though.

I don’t know. When your entire civilization is on the brink of destruction, it’s probably a good idea to just kick out people who keep trying to stir the pot.

High Elves were getting uppity about veganism, and the void elves almost got the sunwell corrupted and destroyed…again…

That assumes the Sunwell wasnt already corrupted and just reacted to Alleria, ofc.

Either way, the Sunwell is definitely corrupted at this point. When you fill up the lantern with Sunwell juice or w/e during the heritage armor questline, the lantern goes all voidy. Prepare for the Voidwell.

I doubt a Gilneas warfront, as much as I’d like to see it, because worgen and forsaken are involved in the Darkshore one.

We had humans + friends vs. orcs + friends in Arathi.
Then nelves + worgen vs. undead + goblins in Darkshore.

I think a goblin vs. gnome storyline will be part of Mechagon. Not a warfront per se, but it will probably bring armor and themes fit for those races.

I could see a Myst Isles warfront with Draenei + Lightforged Draenei vs. “Iron Horde” (Mag’har orcs) + ??? (ogres?).

Also a Quel’thalas (not sure if set in Silvermoon, Ghostlands, Quel’danas or Eversong) warfront with shal’dorei + sin’dorei vs. ren’dorei + quel’dorei.

Another possibility is a tauren + troll vs. dwarf + gnome, since those are the missing classic races to be the focus in a warfront, but they are not really inimical toward each other and there’s no place where they can really clash naturally besides the Southern Barrens, but that place makes no strategic sense in the current conflict.

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