[Potential Spoilers] The New Kirin Tor?

I just finished the fate of Dalaran storyline and I was a bit confused by the ending. Everyone comes to the agreement that the new Kirin Tor would have no more floating cities and no more meddling in world affairs. Why was that an issue in the past? Why wouldn’t they want to do that again? It didn’t really make sense. The floating city and using it to intervene in the events of WotLK and Legion literally helped turn the battle?

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This “new” Kirin Tor would’ve watch the world fall to the Scourge, to Death Wing, and to the Legion. #NotMyKirinTor


They might rebuild Dalaran as they have before.

Eh, the “new” Kirin Tor would just wait for the Horde and Alliance to say “hey, this looks like a job for magic!” instead of assuming everything is a job for magic (although it is), but I don’t think it’d practically be any different. The problem they faced in War Within wasn’t that they were “arrogant” or whatever, but that one of their leaders was replaced by a dreadlord Xal’atath, just like has happened to many other factions throughout WoW.

The Kirin Tor made Kel Thuzad a member of their Council of Six. The man walked around with a goat skull for a hat.

They were also dumb enough not to realize that Xal’atath herself was posing as another councilman for an unspecified amount of time. Possibly years.

They got it backwards. Disband the Kirin Tor and rebuild Dalaran.

They only lifted it off the ground in the first place so as not to get overwhelmed by the ground forces at the time. And it still got destroyed anyway so they gave up on the idea. Mainly to be anti Scourge.

I think Drenden died during the Legion’s invasion and Xal’atath took advantage of the Council’s obliviousness during the final days of the Fourth War.

So between the start of Legion, and the end of BFA (the earliest Xal’atath was freed from the dagger) no one did a wellness check on our lad Drenden?

Kirin Tor really respects privacy of its members, but what exactly are the responsibilities of a councilman if they can literally drop dead and no one notices for several years.

Beats me. :man_shrugging:

Don’t worry, the writers will forget all about that declaration and have the Kirin Tor back to basics if not in the next expansion than the one after that.

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I think it has something to do with players grinding out rep and/or renown.

They’re at their lowest point with many of their people/mages missing or dead so they need time to recover. But to completely remove them from meddling in world affairs when the world is threatened was a stupid declaration.

So really won’t be surprised to have Aethas rethink that idea when people are screaming for help.

Agreed. Enemies wouldn’t keep trying to destroy it if it wasn’t effective. They just need to defend it better.