I started this xpac late, so I’m enjoying the lore so far.
I just returned Derek & am waiting on my missions to be complete to finish that questline.
But I’m left with questions that haven’t been answered (that I’ve seen at least).
Why did we go to Draenor to recruit the Mag’har and not just to Outland? Lore-wise, it would have been easier to just hit up Outland than go back to Draenor.
Which leads to another question, when was the way to Draenor closed? Sylvannas wasn’t aware that there was a way to return, but I don’t recall us closing that once we finished there.
Anyway, both versions of Mag’har Orc clans had strong members, both dealt with their own versions of war. It would also make more sense to not interfere with the timeline of Draenor, more than we already did, by returning and reminding them that some are doubles.
Now it was nice to return there and see some changes, but we left with such a conflict! I want that to be resolved as I liked the character Yrel and the fact that Grommash was redeemed in the end of WoD, also has me liking that character as well.
It’s almost obvious that the Lightbound are in the wrong, but there has to be more to it as the Naaru wouldn’t support fanatical devotion to the light.
I really hope we at some point go back and try to resolve that situation. I don’t like where it was left. Grommash and the other guy aren’t going to win. They’ll either be captured or killed.
I was hoping we’d go in and fight Yrel to knock some sense into her as she knows us from WoD when we worked together with the Alliance.
We could even have Velen come in and guide them back to a better path.
This also makes me wonder that since we wiped out the Legion, the “light”, and the Army of, don’t have an enemy really. So is the fate of them to become fanatical, “spreading the word” and all that?
Was it a mistake to wipe out the Legion as they kept those who follow the light in check, creating a balance? Yes the Legion did horrible things, but now that they’re gone, look what the Lightbound are doing. Once they’re done with Draenor, they can go on their own “Holy Crusade” to spread the light to other worlds.
Is this a future enemy that we will face? To take on the Lightbound who can potentially replace the Legion as the major threat in the universe? We have warlocks using fel and demonic magic fighting against the Legion. So it would make sense to have Paladins & Priests using the light to fight against the Lightbound.
So many questions. Looks like I’m going to the Q&A at BlizzCon this year.