Potential Origin for Pandaren

So just a thought that came to my head today as Pandaren do not really have an explained origin from a genesis perspective. What if the Pandaren are justt the descendants of one of the Orc groups that went through a different portal that landed them far in the past on a different planet where over time their bodies became more feral to adapt over many generations and then after sufficient tech developed escaped and crashed on primordial Azeroth and just lived in seclusion after shedding any trace of their violent history to live in peace? By present day, so much time would have passed that no trace of their coming to the planet remains. I mean… probable, maybe? Plausible, yes.


If anything the Pandaren could be descendants of the Jalgar, like the Furbolg are. Much like how both the Tauren and Taunka come from the Yaungol.


Sister we know their origins. They came from proto-furbolgs. In fact, in Warcraft 3 they had units which were half pandaren/furbolg showing that the two people can have children which created bulkier Pandaren units. We know that the beast races have their origins in the wild spirits that roamed Kalimdor before the age of mortals and many of those guardian spirits seeded races which we see today. Ursoc seeded Jaguar who turned into Furbolg/Pandaren, Frog spirit for Murlocs etc, and so on and so forth.

Not exactly true. We actually don’t know where the Pandaren came from. We have evidence they evolved from the offspring of a Ancient Guardian, aka Wild God. But Panadaren myths and the stories surrounding them suggest they’re infact Far Older than the kaldorei and the furbolgs


Their origins and units from Warcraft 3 imply a proto-furbolg probably changed by the Mogu into modern Pandaren. I don’t think we can imply that they are from something wholly different. We know that the Pandaren Empire was concurrent with the Kaldorei Empire, but we have no reason to believe that the Pandarens are a biologically older race than the Night Elves who evolved from Trolls, and it could be possible they are, but what reason do we have to believe they aren’t originally from anything other than Guardian Spirit seeding them or Mogu experimentation or both? I’m not going to put too much stock on such origins unless they can prove otherwise. They can’t possibly be of some origin that breaks all other beast race lore. That would need extraordinary evidence to such claims. Kaldorei druids and Brann Bronzebeard don’t take too much stock on Pandaren claims of them being prior too Kaldorei and Furbolgs which could be possible, but definitely from some sort of proto-bear race which is likely Jalgar.

Here’s the units:

Those units are Furbolgs, which we know came from the Jalagar. They aren’t pandaren nor do they represent the pandaren. We seen the pandaren unit in the Warcraft 3 quest with the horde building orgrimaar.

If anything, we do know the padaren are over 10,000k yrs old, considering they were around during the Kaldorei empire and they did leave Aszhara a empty treasure chest when the pandaren decided to pull back to Pandaria when Azshara and the highborne started messing with the Well of Eternity full time.

Hard to say when the pandaren seemingly predate both the furbolg and the Jalagar

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No the units were also used as Pandaren units for the jailbreak offered by a Pandaren monk. His units were half-Pandaren/Furbolg and mentioned it. Hence if you look at the actual units they look like Furbolgs with Pandaren markings.

The Kaldorei evolved from trolls 15000 years ago. The Pandaren settled in the Vale 15000 years ago so their genesis as a race is long before elves came around.

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Again, contested, but the facts are that they are likely some offspring of a Guardian spirit and likely transformed further by the Mogu who did that to just about every race they could get their hands on. We have no idea exactly their origins, but no evidence has convinced me that they are somehow not descended from the bear races seeded by the bear guardians. If they are actually not kin to Furbolgs how can they have hybrid children with them? I suppose magic, but still the units exist for a reason.

Magic really. It’s the same reason the Draenei can have kids with orcs and other humanoid races and the Draenei don’t even share a common ancestor or evolutionary path with anyone from Draenor or Azeroth


That guardian claim is just an assertion made by Brann. You’re going off something that has no evidence and then claiming you’re unconvinced due to a lack of evidence in a different assertion.

That’s why I mentioned magic, but still there shouldn’t be any precedence that would conclude that the Pandaren are so unique on Azeroth to be completely different than what the lore has been for 20+ years. The beast races are largely the descendants of guardian spirits. We can’t assume this isn’t true for the Panda race.

Nobody is saying that’s not the case. What we’re simply saying We don’t know what they evolved from and that they are a ancient race

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I get that and I love the speculation, but unless we have extraordinary evidence maybe revealed during the Pandamonium event… outside of that, I love the back and forth, but I’m not going to assume they aren’t descendants of either a Panda ancient or transformed Jalgar by either the waters of the Vale or the Mogu or some other force. :slight_smile:

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And that’s fine, with what little evidence we have, that points in both directions, it’s perfectly fine for everyone to have they own version of events.

After all, there’s no concrete evidence stating either way and I love the speculations and people having their own ideas on where the pandaren came from. :fox_face:

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True, its like chicken or the egg problem. What came first? Everyone has a different answer. There’s a fun little note of Pandaren origins I love thinking about from the Thunder King isle.


from the void

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:face_with_monocle: Only if they don’t know evolutionary biology… :smile_cat:

Just messing with you… but yeah lots of opinions and not enough information to indicate a proper answer to the problem. Perhaps in the future… you know after someone at blizzard remembers the Pandaren exist…


From the VOID they come… with bamboo! Ya heard it first folks! Don’t trust those pandas!!

We know their origin though? they were Furbolgs changed by the intense magical energies of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. the Same thing that turned Monkeys into Hozen and Murlocs into Jinyu.
it’s magic radiation, like what happened to the Trolls to make them Night Elves

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