I feel like an easy fix blizzard can do to make Boomkin just a little more viable in PVE would to make all spells cost 50% less mana while in Moonkin form. It’s not the craziest change and I’m sure that can be implemented so easy.
Boomkin isn’t viable at all, even with a 50% mana reduction. They are never brought for their damage. And after you buff them spriests, ret paladins, elemental, enhance will also be wanting the same treatment, and probably others.
Classic balance is poopy; enjoy the ride.
It’s not that I don’t want to see more speccs be made viable, but if you start rebalancing one specc you inevitably HAVE to start rebalancing all of them. And then it’s not WoW classic anymore.
After all why should Druids have every specc be raid viable when no other class (other than warriors, the darlings of WoW classic) do?
Balancing classes is far harder then it looks, probably the best option which was suggested in another thread, is to go live with the TBC pre-patch when Naxx hits as that will make far more classes viable and give people more of a chance to level up their horde paladins and alliance shaman, however the Classic Purests might be against this