Potential IPv6 Issue with Plunderstorm

Using an M1 8GB Mac Mini, I was stuck on what appeared to be a “loading in background” issue at the login screen of Plunderstorm. Once I disabled IPv6 in the normal WoW Retail settings, reloaded, I was able to enter Plunderstorm. At least once IPv6 has broken in retail WoW in the past year for me and disabling it resolved the issue until the next client update.

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Was able to confirm on my M3 max as well, game mode only works if I disable ipV6

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FYI passed this on, blizzard reproduced this in house and plans to have it fixed soon™


Seems that ipv6 works again

Sounds like hotfix is live. From what I was told the mode doesn’t actually support ipv6 so if option is enabled you cannot connect. Now, mode will automatically set you on ipv4 path even if option is enabled.

So technically, ipv6 isn’t fixed, so much that it’s no longer even attempted, so it doesn’t hang connection if enabled

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