<Potency> 1/8M Recruiting for Mythic!

About Us
Potency is about being able to play all facets of WoW while still being competently led and organized. We offer structured leadership and transparent rules, guidelines, and expectations. We will always be a toxic-free community and will always swiftly deal with it.

We plan to schedule plenty of community events for all within the Guild over the weekends and would like to branch out into PvP at some point in the future.

Our Mythic raid team is never going to be Cutting-Edge focused. While not our focus, we do want to push content as hard as we can but never want to sacrifice the enjoyment of the game and our team for the sake of progress. This doesn’t mean we will recruit just anyone, let people hold us back, or be too afraid to sit/remove problem people as necessary. We will give everyone a fair chance to trial and be a part of the team. For people who are struggling, we have role officers (Ranged/Melee/Healing) and a very open community that is willing to work with them.

Organization and transparency are keys to success, in our opinion. We believe that having all of our rules and policies out on display for anyone in the Guild to review helps everyone stay on the same page. Our officers will all have specific duties to carry out, this way no one is doing too much and we won’t have officers burning out.

Recruitment Needs

  • Tanks: Closed
  • Healers: Closed
  • Melee DPS: Open
  • Ranged DPS: Open (closed to Hunters)

We will consider all, so feel free to inquire!

Raid Times

  • Wednesday 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
  • Thursday 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST

Contact (B-tag/Discord)

  • Camillei Guild Master/Raid Leader - Blut#11196 / blut92
  • Benqt Recruitment Officer - Benny#12695 / benqtee
  • Rickflamess Healing Officer - Renegadebear#11941 / rickflamess
  • Shadowbleed Ranged Officer - Copenhagen#1479 / buckshot209
  • Romancedrex Melee Officer - Sockembopem#1361 / lladdy1219

Do not hesitate to reach out to any of the above officers with any questions!!

Oi! were looking for some banger dps, pref a Mage, Elemental Shaman, Warrior, and Devastation Evoker, but will consider all (except hunters) :slight_smile:

To the top! Need more DPS for S2!

LF more dps for season 2!

Full clear Normal on an off day, let’s get that AOTC this week! Need some LEET DPS to join us!!

4/8H! LF more banger dps! Reach out via disc/bnet to any of the above tags :slight_smile:

MYTHIC VEXIE DOWN! Let’s goooo!!

Going back up to the top

Lf a warrior dps and other ranged! Feel free to reach out! :slight_smile:

Greetings traveler! were looking for more pumper dps for our mythic raid team! reach out - benqtee (discord) - Benny#12695 (bnet). Full on healers/tanks and hunters

Going back to the top!

Howdy! were looking for more pumper dps for our mythic raid team! reach out - benqtee (discord) - Benny#12695 (bnet).

Need more DPS!!!

Howdy! were looking for a reliable tank and more dps (Rogue,Mage,Evoker,Warlock,Warrior,Monk,Spriest) for our mythic raid team! reach out - benqtee (discord) - Benny#12695 (bnet).

Going to the top! Need some solid Ranged DPS to finish AOTC and really push into Mythic!!

Looking for solid ranged/melee dps! (Rogue/warrior/Mage/Warlock)