Posting until Alpha build until Hunter gets a rework!

no hunter changes (i know i know they did say ther wouldn’t do i get it)

ofc Fire Mage got a rework…

ya know… makes sense it’s had a lot of problems…?


I was also hoping for at least something with this week’s alpha build. Not only lack of general hunter changes, but not even updates to the talent trees they are allegedly working on.

Currently on alpha the following classes still have incomplete talent trees:

  • rogue
  • shaman
  • priest

and the classes without announced design changes are:

  • rogue
  • shaman
  • priest
  • hunter

My question to the developers is: why does every other class with complete hero trees have an update, but for hunter you explicitly said there is no update?


They said no update till launch. Not no update peroid, chances are you will be one of the first of the expansion to get one and looking how that has played out historically you should be happy you are going to be broken op in the .5 patch

This has been said ever patch for years now and nothing changes. It’s just copium to think this will be different.


Nope it will be patch 12.0 or 13.0 if hunters are lucky they always do this to the hunter class next expansion after next expansion and it took them 4 years kinda to fix animal companion so we wait for 12.0 or 13.0 I guess.


By reworking classes that were already more attractive, they effectively solved Hunters problems too! As fewer Hunters will exist. :slight_smile:

And I got to say it’s worked for me. I’m already going back to Affliction and I just don’t have the energy to keep trying to voice Hunter concerns.


Ah, the hope in your eyes.
We actually went through this with Hunter going into DF.
“Hold guys! Big Hunter changes incoming, that’s why they’ve been so silent!”

Nah. You know what the big update was? Removing Double Tap. A spell I loved. This change literally made my Brother quit the game.


“Don’t worry bro! It’s only release! They will fix it on .5!”

Lay off the copium man.


Wait did they say not until launch or just not until a later build?

They said “at this time” which in corporate lingo usually means nothing good


Hunter needs more than just some talent tuning. Every aspect of the class tree and spec trees need an entire rework. AoE/ST ability division, survivability, utility, group composition buffs, etc.

It’s a massive project that bandaid fixes can only do so much for.

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Yeah, but they got time to do multiple pally and mage reworks though.


They have time to work on the class they just don’t want to and most of all they just don’t care care.

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The recent numbers indicate 7m subs. Thats over $100m a month in revenue JUST off subs. Considering 1 item on the store made more than the entirely of Starcraft 2 Im betting that number is a LOT bigger.

And they cant hire a couple of people who play Hunter to work on it? Really?


Every class getting an update except Hunters (even classes that are already really op). The Hunter dev is on that white powder if there is even a Dev for Hunters.

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The hunter class hasn’t had a dev for a few years now it falls to whoever gets unlucky and it makes sense since certain classes gets worked on and yeah sadly it seems they are done with hunter maybe patch 12.0 or 13.0 surely…

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