hi all,
post your wishlist for Trading post that’s a new feature coming soon in DF
My wishlist
- Zekhan’s mask
- Zekhan’s Armor
- Frostwolf armor with wolf head
hi all,
post your wishlist for Trading post that’s a new feature coming soon in DF
My wishlist
The only two pets missing from my collection at one point (I’m still catching up after missing parts of legion/bfa), and which I’ve resigned to never owning…unless they show up at the Trading Post someday: Murky and Mini Tyrael.
I also wouldn’t mind the original ZG Bear. Did that run so many times, but it was never “my turn” to get the mount so I missed out. =(
Not that I think this would change anything but I’d love to see worgen getting a tail option but also I’d love to get Tyrael’s charger and the Zulian tiger without having to deal with the BS of the Blackmarket.
Warlord’s Deathwheel
any mount with an auction house and a mailbox on it
new hair styles. casual looks, like the new shoe/boot model they put in with trial of style. shorts / dresses / more ‘fantasy’ attire without the metal pieces jutting out of it everywhere.
less repaints of old silhouettes
Some better robes for my casters.
A recolor of Benediction/Anathema!
The bloody Storm Crow mount that’s been in the files for ages.
Huojin vs Tushui Pandaren armor.
Baron rivendaire armor
Zul’jin armor
Lich king armor
Sparkle Kitty form from the mage tower. BUT!
a fel recolor so it can match fel bear. (dark green markings. black shadow fur color and fel sparkle effect)
Worgen tail options.
some removed from game gray items as xmog and brought up to HD versions.
Shado-Pan clothing/armor. We got the hat and scarf combo for the helm slot but never any of the rest we can see Shado-Pan NPCs wearing… I don’t think we did anyway?
Nightborne clothing and armor that the non player nightborne in Suramar wear. Granted I’m sure a lot of it is part of the NPC models themselves and was never really meant to be placed on player character models; I’d settle for bits and pieces refitted to work with player character models…in particular I really want some of those floating blade type shoulders some of the nightborne caster NPCs have.
i agree +1
I would very much like more moonkin forms.
As a tauren I have 2, and one of those is the glyph.