Post your most ridiculous change

This is a fun thread where you think of the most ridiculous change they could implement into Classic WoW.

All classes should be able to learn any spell in the game from any class trainer.

Delete the entire alliance faction. And horde. Everyone’s an NPC now.


There are private servers that actually allow that.

As a warlock, I immediately guessed the general shape of the most broken spec.

please dont encourage blizz they are stupid enough they might read an idea from this post and think its a good idea…

All classes get their own race specific abilities ala priests.


How about if someone where to die outside of dungeons or battlegrounds they should have a 1 hour respawn ( unless they have a friend that can rez them).

Make it at least 24 hours because 1 hour is too casual.

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If you die to a player, you can’t resurrect until server resets with honor calculations. :joy:

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Also make it so you can kill your own faction.


All of your gear is destroyed (permanently, deleted) when you die.

Paladin auto attacks now cost mana.

Orcs are stunned every time they are hit.

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tauren and undead are replaced with ogres and furbolg

in game quest helper and level indicator. I know right? one of the most BASIC THINGS that should have been there from the start.

Add Pandas, Worgens, and Vulpera to the game.