I wonder what effect the TBC launch will have on the Classic raiding scene.
Will all of the gold chasers move on to TBC, leaving Classic with only those interested in raiding for content and experience?
Will there even be enough interest for consistent 40 man raids? Would they need to nerf them down to 30 man to keep it consistent? 20 man?
Right now I’m torn between two worlds (literally and figuratively). I love the Classic experience, but I’m afraid it just won’t be the same when The Burning Crusade releases.
I doubt any Perma Servers will be completely “free” from any “gold chasers”.
As this person said:
I created a thread about this, too (2 Months Ago):
I’m afraid for all Perma Servers “not being the same”, either due to them losing their Server Identities thanks to CRZ/Connected Realms/Virtual Realms, etc.
There is already no real raiding scene outside of gdkp. Classic forever servers will have to be merged into a single server to have any activity at all.
Outlands doesn’t have the same nostalgia for me because it’s not what I played as a kid, and my only real goal was to kill C’Thun. So I’ll mostly play Classic Era, and hopefully the community thrives in some way.
That being said I’ll probably let my rogue go to TBC to mess around with in arena and ganking some PvE nerds.
Thinking about it - I could see the appeal of a fresh server… In 10 or 15 years. I probably wouldn’t mind starting over when my son is old enough to play.