Post some of your favorite movie/tv scenes

A bit of a history behind this one. Commander Kor made his first appearance in Original Star Trek. He was the very first named Klingon in Star Trek history. He is now old and broken, but is a Daha master, which I assume would be the elite forces of the Klingon Empire. Worf manages to get Kor assigned to General Martok’s ship to the displeasure of Martok who can’t stand Kor. Martok tells Worf Kor is his responsibility.

During a drill, Kor screws up thinking he is in a past fight. The crew makes fun of him and he is humiliated and confined to his quarters.

They need to break through a fleet of 10 Jem’hadar warships to get back to Deep Space Nine. Worf volunteers for this death mission with a beat up Klingon ship to distract the Jem’hadar so Martok’s ship can get through.

While Kor is in his quarters depressed, another old Klingon comes in and has a talk with Kor about the old times and convinces Kor to be on that suicide mission.

Worf comes to say goodbye to Kor, Kor hypostpray’s Worf knocking him out and taking his place in the suicide ship.

Now we have the video…

What a wonderful ending to the very first named Klingon in Star Trek history. A glorious death indeed!!!

…and like the previous post, I can’t watch this one with crying…every time.

1 ship vs 10 and he did it!!!


Worth mentioning that Kor was played by John Colicos. He also played Baltar in the original Battlestar Galactica series.


Did not see that coming of the stark thing first time I saw it. I was shocked

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There’s a dearth of scene clips of Whisper of the Heart that are not random horrid edits especially compared to a few years ago, so I settled on this, though it’s not what I wanted (and is obviously of terrible, off-screen recording quality).

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I remember liking this one a lot when it came out.


I was going to put something awesomely dramatic but I think I’ll put up some old-school fun instead…

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Something from The Graham Norton Show which I particularly love, John Cena with Matthew McConaughay talking wrestling and Cena’s origins.


Loved this Hulu series and the Stephen King book it is based off of.

This feels very appropriate considering the results of last night’s football game.


Quite possibly the worst sword fight of all time, pretty sure those swords were supplied by either Nerf or Mattel