Post read count not updating

This character’s post read count has been at 41.2k for a while. Today alone I decided to test it and scroll slowly through several different topics completely… they were all recent topics. A total of around 1500 comments. After finishing, which took quite a while, the count, which started at 41.2k was still at 41.2k. No updates on the count at all. This character has been my forum main character for probably over a year and should have a LOT more than that. It seems her read count is locked. Please can this be fixed? I have been trying for so long to get to TL3 on her, but it’s just not happening at all. I come to the forums EVERY day… and I really do mean every day.

Please help!!

Well, I just checked and it jumped up 400 posts. A far cry from the 1500 just from today. It’s not fun reading 1500 posts and only getting credit for 400.

edit Looks like it was fixed. Up to 50.8k now. I hope it continues.