Post in this thread and I'll assign a Digimon partner to your character

Yeah, instead of that Digimon went for a vital bracelet, those armbands for doing excersize, that evolves your digimon depending how you train your body, Speaking of, the masco of these, Pulsemon is for you


Have a very carefree digimon for you

How about a Medabot

Espeon is cute, one of the better pokemon designs. Have bacomon too, a dark digimon perfect for a mechagnome.

Well, Patamon has been assigned, so how about Culumon, a Digimon which represents evolution itself. Holy for a Paladin.

Well, Palmon can evolve into undead digimon after all!

Both Togemon and the undead verson of togemon

Digimon Frontier didn’t have partner digimon.

The kids were dragged into the digital world and had to find spirits they collected in their digivices. When they activated a spirit, they turned into the digimon.

Each kid had 2 forms, and later a couple of them gained a fusion form of their 2 spirits.

Then the final digimon was all 5 of them combined.

It was also the first season one of the kids died. (Though he got brought back to life by the Digivices at the end of the show lol)

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Thank you
10 char

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Khronys wants to join! :slight_smile:
:crossed_swords: :shield:

Whatcha got for me?

I have no real clue what a digiman is but I think a kid I hired a while back tried to get me to play it.

Hit me.

It’s a franchise about digital beings. These are highly intelligent creatures who can fully talk and live in societies.

Unlike Pokemon, Digimon are not generally captured but you pair with one for life as a relentless partner in combat.

Yours is Burgamon, the OG burger digimon who can cook delicious burgers

Well you are priest, so how about Huckmon

“But why a dragon” you might think, well Huckmon has been trained his whole life by 3 nuns known as the sistermon and the Holy knight Gankoomon. And his final evolution is Jesmon. So yeah, he’s digimon Jesus.

I dig it

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I like the Digimon you assigned me, reminds me of one of my hunter pets😈

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And now the Digimon theme is in my head. :sweat_smile:

With your best shot. :musical_note:

Thank you for getting that theme song out of my head. :grin:


Back when I was young my parents loved to go to Sears instead of Target and Sears did not have a toy section. That is how I feel about Digimon. They are the Sears to Pokemon’s Target. Sure they had some great adult stuff, but I just want my Pikechu.

Ive always thought digimon were way more connectable then pokemon they talk they are the only partner and they can swap between all their forms instead of just staying at their best one. They want to be strong they got it they want to be the cute form they got it. Also most pokemon get thrown out after a while. Tamers only have one digimon though it’s way more faithful lol. I’m guessing a warlock partner would be an impmon most likely or one of the equally demonic looking virus types?

Sure wha is this.

Seems my last post here was deleted because the thread was marked as a spam, but now it was restored and moved, oh well, so let’s end the last ones.

Here as a bonus have the latest pic of Jesmon, very Jesus.

Here, perfect for a Dwarf hunter

Aw, yeah I like that aspect more as well, it’s what attracted me to the franchise.

Well for you, how about the OG Rookie - demon digimon


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You are absolutely correct.:blush:

Also, if this character were to have a son I could totally see him wearing a baseball cap backwards. :joy:

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That says “BEAR”.

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I love that little touch.:grin:

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