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(post deleted by author)

Bump for more views

Bump for finding that Discipline Priest that best fits our needs! PST in Discord: FalcoTempest

Another lil bump

Still looking for a 600+ iLvL Discipline or Holy Priest! PST in Discord: FalcoTempest

bump for the views

Hey just another bump! still looking for 1 more healer.

Still looking for one more healer for the raid team!

Looking to recruit an experienced Shadow Priest that can offspec heal as well! :pray:t4: PST in Discord: FalcoTempest

BUmp for more :eyes:

Looking to recruit an experienced Priest! :pray:t4:PST in Discord: FalcoTempest

Friend Request sent.

Looking for a strictly shadow priest as well! PST in Discord: FalcoTempest