Possible to use Option key (Alt) for Macros?

I play on windows mostly, but i want to move away from windows and learn MacOS more.

All my macros for wow use the alt key for a 2nd keypress. (1 is tiger palm / touch of death, 2 is blackout strike / azerite ability, 4 is Fists of fury / Spinning crane kick)

I need to have alt (option) for keyboard macros. is this possible?

Don’t overthink it. Any macros you have with the mod:alt conditional will work just fine with the option key. (Heck, when you plug a non-mac keyboard into a mac, the “alt” key functions as an option key.) You’ll also see that if you set up a keybind with the “option” key, the game will just list it as “alt.”


i actuailly found the awnser to my question.

run this comand once in the MacOS terminal

defaults write com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft disable-expose-fix YES

Aaand ur good.

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Sounds fishy