Possible to retroactively get our Legion/BFA Dungeon teleports?

Completing gold MoP/WoD challenge Mode dungeons rewarded you with Dungeon Teleports.
Then for Shadowlands, similar returned where completing M+20 dungeons rewards you with Shadowland Dungeon Teleports in your spellbook…

Can those of us who rose to the challenge and cleared high keys during Legion and/or BFA retroactively get dungeon teleports for Legion and BFA dungeons?

Especially since some of us have the old KSM achievements from past expansions and what not to prove that we did clear all the relevant high keys on time, etc. So maybe anyone who dinged one of those high M+ achievements from Legion and BFA, can retroactively get a spellbook teleport to the Legion and BFA dungeons?

That or maybe somehow able to retrieve old M+ records from a 3rd party if Blizzard doesn’t have some sort of internal logs themselves?
i.e., https://raider.io/characters/us/sargeras/Ravens#season=season-7.3.2

You want…

More 8 hour cooldown portals that all share the same CD?

Yes. Because sometimes you just need to get to an old dungeon. Especially during Legion Timewalking, or simply Transmog farming.

So fly to the zone

Then by your logic, why have MoP and Shadowland teleports if you can also fly to those dungeons?

Not sure why you are against some players who accomplished some old achievements retroactively having a similar reward to what they get for similar achievements in a past and the current expansion.

I can only assume it’s because you didn’t accomplish these achievements in Legion and/or BFA, and so the thought of players retroactively being rewarded a convenience spell upsets you somehow for some reason?

S4 gonna have so much travel time its gonna be bad

I assume you mean the raids?
It’s not that bad if you’ve unlocked the teleports for the various zones in SL…
Such as the Venthyr’s mirror system or the Sanguine Depths Dungeon teleport to get to Castle Nathria faster, and Ve’nari’s teleport that drops you near Sanctum of Domination.

Only raid you’ll need to travel for is Sepulcher but this raid’s travel time can be cut drastically if you simply set your hearth to the nearby innkeeper, and simply opt to use other teleport items to get to Oribos or other zones, such as Engineering’s Shadowlands portal item.


Mythic Plus is Tazavesh, Mechagon, Karazhan, Iron Docks, and Grimrail. Lol.

None have easy to reach teleports. Though Maizou can teleport to Iron Docks/Grimrail, so that’s a plus for me lol.

yes they do? Tazavesh has a teleporter (i have one in my spellbook). Karazhan has a couple teleport items, such as the Violet Seal of the Grand Magus which you can buy off the vendor right outside of Karazhan that lets you teleport directly to the entrance of Karazhan.

As for Iron Docks and Grimrail, there’s the teleports from Challenge Mode Gold too.

Tazavesh has a flight path. What teleporter are you using? O_o

I imagine the amount of people who did the quest enough to unlock the teleport ring is not many.

And yes, but like above, most people wont have the challenge mode teleports lol.

They may exist but they don’t aren’t easily obtained.

The one everyone gets when you complete Streets and Gambit +20 on time (just like the other Shadowland dungeons).
This one:

Also you’re neglecting the fact that Blizzard has already announced that there will be teleport spells for the other dungeons added in 9.2.5 too, in fact they already show up on PTR and wowhead’s datamining, for example this one for the Iron Docks:

What are you talking about o.O? I think you may be confusing the teleport ring for the Violet Signets, Which are rep grind upgradable rings. The Violet Seal (not Signet) is completely different and requires zero rep or anything special to get, simply grab the quest off the NPC outside Karazhan’s entrance, go into the dungeon, oneshot the required boss (because you’re level 60), turn in the quest item you looted off the boss, and you get the Karazhan teleport item ring as the reward, and then can stick it in your bank along with all your other teleport items from past expansions (i.e. Time-Lost Artifact, Jaina’s Locket, etc) and place in your bags when the need for a teleport to Karazhan arises.

Then why bother posting to this post? This post from the get-go is about those who achieved the CM Gold MoP, CM Gold WoD, and/or the Shadowland’s +20 teleport spells and asked if we can retroactively get similar teleports for Legion and BFA for those of us who achieved the High Key achievements as well for these expansions.

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No i mean dungeons. Run taza and get a wod key then get a mecha key

Not Controversial Opinion: Dungeon Portals should be account-wide.


I 100% agree, find it annoying that only one of my characters has the dungeon teleports unlocked but my alts dont. It should be account wide linked to the +20 (or CM Gold) achievements.

yeah, there will be teleports for those dungeons that are being added in 9.2.5 similar to the current other Shadowland dungeon teleport spells already in the game.

Also most of the dungeons being added currently already have easily obtainable alternative in-game teleport items to get to them quickly such as:

  1. Violet Seal to teleport to Karazhan’s Entrance (can buy off vendor)

  1. Ultrasafe Transporter: Mechagon (can buy off vendor)

  1. Time-lost Artifact - to teleport to the Timeless Isle in Pandaria to take the secret portal to Gorgrond get to Grimrail and Iron Docks faster than using a Garrison Hearth and flying over (can buy off vendor)

  1. or alternatively, Wormhole Centrifuge to get to Gorgrond - have a glider on hand (as it teleports you up in the sky and will fall to your death) and simply glide towards either dungeon’s entrance (Engineering Only)

You can make a dark iron and mole machine from hell to pandaria or Draenor or where’ver you need to go

I made my war in sL i dont have any of those

can get them all in minutes, especially at level 60, as you can just rush and smash the content since you can oneshot everything that requires a quest to complete or mobs to loot, or the engineering one can get without even leveling engineering since it just requires draenor engineering level 1 and just buy it off the AH…