Possible to recover a character from a banned account?

Feels good to be back! Just wondering if it’s possible to transfer one character from a banned account? It’s been about 10 years since the account was banned and I no longer live with younger siblings who can’t be trusted :man_shrugging:. Fingers crossed!

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Was the account permanently banned? That’s actually comparatively rare. Most accounts are banned for a period of time. You may be able to recover the account entirely if it wasn’t permanently banned.

The other restriction that may apply is whether the original account was under your name. You can only transfer characters between accounts that are registered to the same person.

The account was in my name and it still says banned. So I guess it was permanent? I was hoping for clemency or maybe 10 years would invoke some sort of statue of limitations.

Highly unlikely. Being banned is denial of access to the account and everything on it.

Back in the day, they perma banned accounts more frequently than they do now. The offense that got you perma banned then, might only get a few months ban now.

If that’s the case, you could submitt a ticket asking for relief but blizzard takes the view that they will continue to enforce the penalties that were in place at the time of the offense. Doesn’t hurt to ask though.

If the offense is one that would still result in perma ban now, you are not likely to get the restriction lifted.


If it’s been 10 years you could always try asking them to unban.

“t’s been about 10 years since the account was banned and I no longer live with younger siblings who can’t be trusted” Lol yeah okay buddy still not owning up to what you did and blaming a family member which is the comparison to “the dog ate my homework” is not gonna get your character back

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While necroing a 2 year old thread isn’t necessarily a bad thing in the help forums for people who are looking for information, necroing a 2 year old thread to do nothing but flame the OP is a bad thing, and has been actioned by mods in the past.

Please be cognizant of the dates on the threads you are replying to and try to actually contribute to the conversation if you’re going to reply. We don’t take kindly to trolling of any kind in Returning Player.


So… How did you solve this?

It probably wasn’t solved. Their character hasn’t logged in since BfA and hasn’t posted in the forum again since that one post 5 years ago (which is the same timeframe).

The policy is pretty straightforward: everything in a banned account is supposed to stay banned, including characters.

You cannot transfer a character to or from a suspended, banned, or closed account

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