Possible to move the possess bar?

Whenever I get into the Breakneck, the vehicle bar takes up almost all of my minimap due to my UI. Is it possible to move this bar through edit mode or an addon? I have bee trying but I don’t see any options through edit mode or bartender. I really just want to move it up a few inches so I can see my map which is bottom center screen.

It isn’t the biggest issue but it would be nicer if I could get a little hotbar like dragonriding. If anybody knows how to do that I would really appreciate the answer!

Bartender (and probably Dominos) can replace the vehicle bar with a standard bar.

Thank you, that is good to hear. I was messing around with Bartender and the option to use the vehicle bar, but none of the settings made any change. Is there something I need to configure outside of the Vehicle Bar option within bartender?

Turn off the Use Blizzard Vehicle UI option.


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Edit, so it did end up being the vehicle bar as you suggested, and it turns out that I was right, I HAD tried to do that and it didn’t work.

But with a Bartender update that came out today, recreating it did work and now that bulky bar is gone. Thank you again for your help, problem solved!