Possible Stormwind and Org overhaul

Id rather they make an event for the Forsaken and Night Elves to retake and rebuild their former homes than just get a corner of Org and SW. They deserve better than that.

The creation of Exileā€™s Reach is pretty much Blizzard slamming the coffin lid on any player capital development.

All new players will be making their first characters there no matter what their race or faction.


Oh, I really hope Orgrimmar sheds the horrendous black iron and goes back to wood and stone.

Also, if weā€™re getting a total rehaul I would suggest the Shadowcleft become a Forsaken district. Itā€™s dank, you could really set up Forsaken looking stuff down there. The warlock trainers can chill with the forsaken, and you could move the Shattered Hand somewhere else, like the Drag.

Speaking of the Dragā€¦ I know it probably wonā€™t happen, but I would love to see the Drag become some sort of market row with colourful banners and shade.

Iā€™m also tempted to say remove the tauren district. We have a tauren city, well two actually, and Orgrimmar is feeling cramped. I think the Magā€™har should take it over and build their own home.

But this is me.

Speaking of removing districtā€¦

I may get eaten for this, but maybe remove the Dwarven District in favour of a Gilnean one?

Night elvesā€¦ darn I just donā€™t see them settling in Stormwind.

This would be my one wish for Org; visually a bit more diverse to be able to tell the areas apart at a quick glance.

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Honestly at this point I want orcs and humans to have a racial city, and convert something else into a multi-racial city.

Like, maybe the Crossroads gets built up into a city, and each race of the Horde puts something into its construction, so you can find all of them there, from orcish barracks, to tauren huts, to vulpera caravans, to an elven mage tower. Something for everyone.

Allianceā€¦ I donā€™t know where their city should be, if they got something like that. I actually imagine an island city for them.

BUT the point is to have a more diverse city of multi racial origin. Stormwind is a human city before it was an Alliance one and that wonā€™t really change. Give something new so each race can part their vision into it.

If theyā€™re removing districts in Stormwind, Iā€™d rather they remove Lionā€™s Rest, put Varianā€™s tomb next to Tiffin (as it shouldā€™ve been), and build the Gilnean district there.


The reason I suggest the Dwarven District is cause the dwarves have a city already, and Stormwind is already so huge Iā€™m not sure adding a new district is the right direction.

Plus, itā€™d put the Gilneans next to the grassy area that Iā€™d imagine would become the nelf district. Gilneans and Kaldorei have a pretty neat bond and I would like to see that visualise by having neighbouring districts.

The two races are pretty ascetically different tho so maybe not the same district.

Iā€™d rather they add a gilnean one and a nelf one, throw a draenei one while they are at it, theres more than enough space tbh

I just donā€™t like the concept behind Lionā€™s Rest. It took what was once an actual district with houses, taverns and a usable Moonwell and made it into a permanent shrine to Varian. Now I liked Varian, but I feel like the spot left by the ruins of the Park couldā€™ve been used in better ways.


its a shine to the dead too, or did you skip that part

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Itā€™s technically a shrine to the losses at Broken Shore, with Varian being the focus.

Also the Park wasnā€™t a full fledged district, not in the way the other ones were. The Park was, well, a Park. Night elves hung out there, but it didnā€™t have houses.

Bunch of empty buildings though.

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The shrine to the dead couldā€™ve fit anywhere else. They couldā€™ve put plaques on the walls in the well-named Valley of Heroes, couldā€™ve put the shrine in the Trade District or the Command Center or the PvP hall, a special shrine in front of the Stormwind Graveyard/on the outskirts of the Cathedral District, maybe make the old pre-Cata auction house building reopens as a museum for the fallen or something. I just feel like Lionā€™s Rest was a waste of opportunity for the spot.

Overall, I dig the spirit (and most of the implementation) behind what the dev. team did to Orgrimmar in Cata. I like that the Trolls got their own area; the Goblins had their own district; the Tauren got a spot; and the larger city was tied together with the Horde/MU Orc theme. What Iā€™d like to see in this expansion (or beyond) is an expansion of that concept. I want a city that really is a capital of the diverse faction it servesā€”a representation of the Hordeā€™s further development and integration.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™d like to see in further detail:
There is a lot of unused real estate in Orgrimmar; particularly on the cliffs above the city. I say use that to your advantage. Maybe place a few magā€™har buildings with some Rylaks flying above, some Houjin pandaren stuff, too, etcā€¦ for the blood elves and nightborne, Iā€™d do something exaggerated and something that displays their major contribution to the Horde: magical prowess. So, give them a Dalaran-esq floating island that floats above part of the cliffs, and have it accessed via a nightborne telemancy pad or flying mount only. Nothing massive, just enough for a few buildings and a bit of flavour. For the Forsaken, show that Orgrimmar is now one of their core homes. So, un-instance a part of the Underhold beneath Orgrimmar, and turn it into a Forsaken district. This act would give me a neo-Undercity feel. For the Trolls, make it a mix of Zandalari and Darkspear things. The Goblins? I dig the idea of a pollution-leaking, smog producing, floating platform that slowly encircles the city from above. Maybe have it pass above the blood elf/nightborne area mentioned during its slow rotation, and have it leak oil on a small section of their island. Iā€™d also have a few angry blood elf and nightborne NPCā€™s loved beneath who are casting a portal spell to catch the leak; a portal that has a section of a night elf area on the other-side, just to show both races giving the middle finger to said rival race. For MU orca, some might say the Horde aesthetic is their aesthetic, which is trueā€¦ to a point. Across the city, Iā€™d have little clan places about. Maybe a Frostwolf Orc embassy, a Warsong training ground area, a cave for the Shattered Hand, etcā€¦ For the Tauren, introduce some Highmountain stuff. Show both tribes working together. Vulpera? Iā€™m not sure, to be honestā€¦

Thatā€™s my thoughts on the Horde.


This makes me giggle because it sounds like the most orc thing ever.

ā€œWhat happened to Kromsk?ā€
ā€œYou know how we live in a super hot climate, and make our buildings out of metal?ā€
ā€œā€¦right, but it gets hot enough toā€“ā€
ā€œItā€™s just, maybe we could not bake our peopleā€“ā€

I always thought it was where it was in part to commemorate the destruction of The Park by Deathwing.

And to be honest, I love both the place and the location. Itā€™s right next to the Cathedral, and overlooks the sea. Itā€™s peaceful.

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Alright Iā€™ve thought on what I would want on a revamp, and Iā€™ll focus on this for now; Ports.

Boralus and Dazarā€™alor have traders from across the world in their ports. I think having a diverse port could be good.

First would be giving Orgrimmar an actual port. Not Bladefist, one in the city itself. Blow open a path to the sea and build a port there. WoD gave us tons of port assets, both normal and Iron Horde style. And have ships from many races there, like Forsaken and blood elf ships, alongside orc and troll ships.

Plus, other races. Like a Stonemaul merchant, or Tolā€™vir traders form Uldum. Tuskarr selling fish complaining about the heat. Maybe a taunka and hozen to help round off the non-playable races.

Likewise for Stormwind Harbour, build it up to have merchants from other races and factions across the world. Maybe a vrykul selling items from the Broken Isle, or jinyu having come from Pandaria. A Frostborn selling ice or something. Really diversify.

Yeah I have to agree, Lionā€™s Rest is a really nice location, peacefully looking out over the sea. I just like it.

Itā€™s why Iā€™m resistant to building a different district there. Maybe make it less Varian focused. We already have a statue of him.


(Commentary): Unit Exacitor would like to see Orgrimmar become more friendly and aesthetically pleasing. More pools of water, Oasises formed by Shamans or Druids, as an example. More green on the ground. Seeing the gigantic metal buildings replaced by more modernized Horde structures would be great. Small new areas specific to each race or certain groupings of races would also be welcome. As an example, add a nice large harbor area, with a part of it being a mix of Blood Elf and Nightborne architecture with their boats near it.

(Commentary): In Stormwind, using the space behind the Mage District as a new home for the Night Elves and possibly the Worgen would be a nice addition. The higher area with the portal to old Draenor should be removed and replaced with a nice Temple to Elune, with a place to look over Elwynn Forest and the Sea. Additionally an underground area for Void Elves and Dark Iron Dwarves to gather in would be a nice addition, perhaps a little corner for us Mechagnomes too, we donā€™t take too much room. A Kul Tiran Embassy at the harbor would also be a nice touch.

If they want to add a district. The mountains in the farm could be altered using druidic magic and create a tree for night elves to live in.

I agree with you. It feels like they got board or redoing it halfway through and just stopped.