Possible stormstrike build?

With us getting the 5 extra talent points I’ve been wondering if a Stormstrike build is possible and decided to see if I could throw one together.

https://imgur.com/a/CW0mMng this is what I came up with after some thinking, its a step away from “spellhance” and more focused on Stormstrike, but I definetly dont think its perfect and am open to discussing what could be changed with it.

The ultimate goal would be to get something that could function in PvE decently well with a chance of it being usable in PvP as well.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

Go to wowhead. look at totem slam talent build. It is what i am kind of using but have changed it to what I want. I use more of a wf/ss build

I think it would poorly apply for enhance in pvp. Coz u have to spamm it to get the most value and in order to do it you have to be always with your target. What you seeking works with elem. Just spamm lava and run around pillar. It would be hard to do for enhance