*Possible spoilers / theorycrafting* Sylvanas imprisons Queen Azshara. Recruiting the Lich King

The guy didn’t have the worst of intentions. I think you’re letting your biases stand in the way of a fun story that’s not nearly as stupid as half the things actually going on in the current canon timeline.

Neither did Sargeras.

Just because the current storyline is stupid does not mean another stupid storyline should be forgiven. Welcoming back the man who inflicted the most harm on your race, second only to probably the Legion, is the kind of thinking that gets you an expansion that turns orcs from enthralled demon slaves into always evil bastards.

Calling Ner’zhul harmful and unwelcome is not a bias. It’s just common sense.

I was typing a response out but I came to the realization that this is one of those topics where I just don’t care enough to argue, even if I disagree.

So instead of responding, you typed a response about how much you don’t care to respond…?

I didn’t want you to feel ignored. I’m not rude.

Okay, but like, isn’t it ruder to say you don’t care enough to continue a debate then to just… not continue a debate?

highly doubt the story will allow Slyvanas to imprison Azshara…
i mean…Azshara is supposedly to be the biggest baddies in BFA…it doesn’t make much sense…if Slyvanas imprison her…

As for the quest on Xal’atath…i got a bad feeling for Sunwell…if warfront on Slivermoon is true…

:woman_shrugging: I’m not gonna sweat the etiquette here. I don’t care if ‘Nezzy 2.5’ is or isn’t a good plot beat for WoW, and I didn’t want to just vanish like a heel and leave you hanging. You work out if that is or isn’t a wound to you.

There’s not, and this was a completely unneeded interaction.