Possible Night Elf Content 9.2.5

So, as I have not seen it brought up… there seems to be some sort of Kaldorei thing likely going on. Among the 9.2.5 stuff there is an encrypted Tyrande 9.2.5 model, along with a new Tear of Elune turned sprouting seed, and a reference to an IGC involving the winter queen.

So, I guess they have something in the works. Possibly a world tree?


…Are we getting an Ardenweald version of Teldrassil?


Possibly? If Elune makes Tyrande a finger puppet again, they may both together present this, as that tear was made of equal measures Elunes and The Winter Queen’s power. The purple leaves are more Kaldorei theme colors, Ardenweald dream trees are blues.

Also I am now wondering if the Ardenweald wild gods wanting a tour has to do with this. That quest that accidentally got released, and then they not only pulled it back but encrypted it in a rapid hotfix.

Also, this screams heritage quest material.


Who are you and what have you done with the night elf hating Blizzard?

I hope that internet/ controversy storm finally kicked some sense into them.


A hyjal revamp?
Man… some of those cliffs would make a pretty cool hanging lodges with hanging vegetations as you go from winding streets to the top.

Elf Minas Tirith kinda? Well thats cool if they do it but I doubt they will unless it has something to do with next expansions content.
Hm… the Well is at the top so maybe?

Honestly though maybe its just a small scene with a quest that says here is an effing seed and thats your renewal.

And thats the end of that plot thread.


… I have no comment…

If they use this as a way to bring the fairies into the living waking azeroth then I think that’s pretty exciting.

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More likely it’ll make a revived Teldrassil and possibly the night elf souls that survived.
I dunno.
I don’t expect a city on Hyjal but we’ll see.

I will be pissed though if they take away the night elves style and make some weird Ardenweald-esque sky tree.


So how will the new world tree get corrupt this time?


We will tell it stories of power and domination and whisper sweet lies into its roots.


I’m sorry, the Faeries thought it’d be a good idea to sacrifice 1,000 Spriggan souls to it…


There was some soil that could regrow a tree in Kortia.

I’ve heard the suggestion we will plant it in the Blackwald after Gilneas is reclaimed by the Alliance. I am not sure I really like the concept, but… I guess it is possible?

The pruple leaves make me suspect they will keep Kaldorei styles, but it might a hub like the heart of the forest, admittedly.

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I am just desperate for something new and fresh.

I am tired of the old world getting close to legal drinking again in some countries. Tired of re-used assets… looking at you dalaran for a hub. And tired of all these island continents on the azeroth map! its getting ridiculous! There is more island than sea at this point.


I loved Teldrassil in Vanilla - but it never got a facelift and, especially after Night Elf assets for Val’sharah and Highborne ruins in Azsuna in Legion, looks really, really dated by comparison.

I hope for a new Nelf capitol that looks Kaldorei, but as good as or better than Suramar, It’s the least they can do,


Yesss, give me the TREEEEEEE!

Also, I’m excited to see a new Tyrande model, for some reason the dirt on her current Night Warrior armor has been DRIVING ME CRAZY even though it probably should be dirtier what with the whole rampaging through the Maw thing.


Praying it’s a Hyjal revamp and not them just sprouting a Teldrassil replacement in the exact same spot.


They seem focused in the eastern kingdoms, which makes me sort of suspect they plan to put in a Kaldorei race hub over there. the Blackwald is the most likely place, though they could surprise me.


Oh god that would suck so hard.
I prefer the limbo we got from the kalimdor book.

Just give the worgen what they have asked for a decade and let the NEs go back to hyjal without all this crap. good lord.


Though I am not entirely thrilled by it, Hyjal seems like it is right out atm, as there is no need for a seed then. They plan to grow some sort of world tree hub thing. Mostly a question of where it will go, and how big. Are we talking heart of the forest scale, or Teldrassil scale. I mostly expect the former.

Of course, it might not magically grow all at once. They could pull a “come back next expansion and see how it has grown!”