Possible heritage questline quests datamined


meant to post this on my main but anyway

In Forsaken story we’ll probably see their fight with Scarlets and return to the slightly darker forsaken themes thanks to -Fear is Our Weapon quest. I’m curious about -Flight of the banshe’’ quest. Newfound - Sylvanas’’ spell will probably be used there. Will writers choose to distance Sylvanas from Forsaken or show how some undead still sympathize with her?

Night elves will gonna be fighting with some kind of corruption. again… but, emerald nightmare is almost gone so what could be the cause of the disease this time? I’m looking forward to seeing more Maiev in the Wardens’ Wrath quest, and perhaps even securing the lands of the night elves against future invasions in the Mark For A Protector quest. We really need to fix old night elf zones, since bfa pre patch they’re one big mess.

I’m a bit sad that the night elves have less quests. Also I hope we see as little Elune and Sylvans in these stories as possible. The night elves and the forsaken are not just those two characters, give a RACE time to shine.

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Honestly, I can’t really hold out much hope for the forsaken questline.

As nice as it is to see some Scarlets come back for more bludgeoning, I think the effect’s going to be blunted when the story went out of its way to push a message of the forsaken deserving to be scorned and hated, undermined the rejection aspect with reconciliation attempts and cross-faction dark ranger elf skins, and eviscerated Sylvanas to the point where she can’t really represent what she used to, even if she does make an appearance.

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“Clarion Call” gives me a bit of weird hope because it has been used in relation to the horn of Cenarius in wc3 when they used it to rouse Malfurion and the other druids.

But I don’t really have any kind of positive expectations for NE stuff until it’s solidly confirmed it’s either on Kalimdor or isn’t actually happening in favor of a reversion to wc3 style NEs on the mainland of Kalimdor. A heritage story ideally should be about their heritage, and a majority of their racial history and culture was influenced by long years of dedication to serving nordrassil and the mainland. The problem is that heritage and history shows how bad of an idea making new world trees just for themselves is, especially given the only one they ever lived on directly was the biggest offender. Knowing blizz, they’re more likely to ignore their heritage if it doesn’t align with the ‘good vibes’ tone they want with Amirdrassil, even if it just fundamentally does not align with the setting they wanna apply it to.


I agree - I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that this heritage quest has nothing to do with the tree in the Dragon Isles.

I want to see the encampments on Mt. Hyjal or Sentinels in Ashenvale - not more Tyrande and Malfurion drama or more wallowing in the horror of the Burning again.

But I’m feeling pessimistic - the times I haven’t been, I’ve been burned. (Heh.)


The Nigh Elves deserve their vengeance, and are owed their pound of flesh. All the same, the Forsaken need to become something more than blight throwing goons destined to start fights they can’t finish. I have hope, but am very nervous about these quests.


Im all for night elves getting a new tree but i have a reeeeally bad feeling about it being in the dragon isles if that spot everyone seems to think its going ends up being it. Just by viture of being in an expansion island and not the main world. Id rather that not be tossed to the wayside and forgotten about.


Sadly everything seems to point in that direction.
On the PTR there’s this dialogue between Tyrande and Ysera west of Onh’ara Plains where they are looking over the empty area you see on the map and they discuss how “they can almost feel it growing” when talking about the seed.


See this is why Im rooting for blight throwing goons who can finish a fight they start.

:sparkles: Progress :sparkles:


I just struggle with night elves not being centered on Kalimdor.

Kalimdor’s forests particularly, defending Kalimdor, it’s such an intrinsic part of their identity (well, the parts I personally like, which everyone knows are the important parts). It’s just weird to have the giant night elf ghost grown tree off on some random island with no ties to night elves. And a weak purple spooky forest game, too.

Oh well.


Nothing is comfirm yet so maybe we’re lucky enough to get a good quest line.
That being said, Blizzard seems really bent on completely changing what made Night Elves Night Elves in the first place. Giving Druids to everyone, Wild Gods and other nature creatures neutral, Elune being just a random Titan Robot are just a few things that come to mind. So who knows what the future holds for us.
Just keep in mind that everytime Blizzard hyped up some NE content it never lived up to what was promised.


My guess for the Forsaken one is that it’ll be dealing with a sect of Scarlets who have attached themselves to the whole ‘Light undead’ thing, judging by other datamined undead models. We’ve already seen undead Scarlets that just keep fighting despite being undead, and they didn’t even need to be val’kyr’ed to become so.

This would rope in the majority of the Desolate Council in terms of themes. Calia and Lilian for the connections to Light undead/Scarlets respectively, and then Belmont to deal with them. It would also give the Forsaken a chance to soundly reject Calia’s style of undeath as not being for them.

Night elf one is tougher to parse other than it having to do with the new World Tree, however there’s the possibility we’ll see Druids of the Flame returning as allies, tenuously. The Flame Druids have ample reason to fight against the Primalists to protect a World Tree, being former followers of Fandral, who sort of… had a thing for planting them. The odd thing about the Isles tree is that it’s… technically not really needed. Nordrassil was nearly entirely healed as far back as Cataclysm, more so in the years since. It could just be re-blessed and returned to its former glory. But really, at this point I just want kaldorei to have some sort of no-strings win, though even if the story is wonky at least the heritage set is nice…

And we get glaives.


Druids of the Flame are enemies for Dreamsurges in 10.1.7


And now I’m disappointed… oh well, their models are cool.

My idea or suspicion is that the Scarlet remnant the Forsaken will be fighting will actually be Risen Scarlet Crusaders and at the end of the heritage questline we get them to bend the knee to Calia Menethil and the Desolate Council thus paving the way for light wielding undead paladins etc. It would make sense to recruit the Risen into the ranks of the Forsaken and have them integrate into Lordaeron.


I do not believe the purpose of Amirdrassil is to restore Immortality to the Night Elves. It’s a seed that was created between Elune and her sister, the Winter Queen, with the souls of the lost Night Elves. It won’t be like any World Tree before it, that is certain. It will be fun to speculate on just what this new World Tree will do for certain. Can’t wait to find out.