Possible griefing

I joined a group finder dungeon for Grim Batol not long after 1930 hours Oceanic server time of the day of this post. During this run, I was ported off the edge into the pit that runs along the majority of Grim Batol 3 times. The first made me think that I lagged, the second had me suspicious so I ran along the far wall facing it to the best of my abilities but alas, I was once again ported to the edge of the pit, facing it, and had no time to react to stop my fall.

What I remember seeing after being ported was a very white spell circle surrounding my ankles right before I fell. I have no idea what spell could cause this. I do not remember Grim Batol having random “port into the pit” spells the last time I ran it, years ago. After my 3rd death by fire-pit, I was kicked from the group. My hunter friend who was running with me told me there were 3 attempts to kick me, which he voted no to, before the kick was successful.

I would have preferred to have sent this as a ticket, but since the in-game support no longer has a means to report a griefing like this, I have no choice but to report here. I know the names of the 3 characters that were in my group, but I won’t post them here for privacy reasons. The classes were Shaman, Warrior and Monk.

I do not know of any abilities in WoW that can do this and I am concerned that this will continue with other players becoming victims. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Fixed grammar.

If you think someone is violating the In-Game Code of Conduct or End User License Agreement, report it by right clicking on the player name.

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  1. Select the player’s character and right-click the target character portrait or right-click the player’s name in chat
  2. Click Report Player
  3. Select the most appropriate option
  4. Click Report

This then will allow for Blizzard to investigate on whether there is a breach. Keep in mind, there could be no action towards the other player if there is no breaches been made. But you don’t get actioned for simply trying to do the right thing.

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I mean no disrespect, but should i report all 3? 2 of them are likely innocent. I don’t know who was porting me to the edge. (Sorry, I’m the op. I changed my posting character to this one as it was the character that was being ported).

It does not seem as though there is any griefing going on. As you have described it, as well as the numerous attempts I’ve had in that instance going for a BiS trinket for one of my specs, the only thing it sticks out to me as is a possible corruption of your UI, particularly where you seem to be the only one that was affected. Doubly-so where we’ve had a couple patches in the past week, and that can sometimes cause some wonkiness all over. For that, I would start here:

The only thing I can think of this being is a battle rez, but none of those classes you mentioned have one.


I mean no disrespect here as well, but I’ve been playing this game for mostly 20 years. I am very certain I was ported. The exact same behavior, the exact same white circle surrounding my ankles, all 3 times and only in this one dungeon run. I have been ported by players (with my consent) and by so many different types of boss encounters. I’ve seen it so many times. I gave it the benefit of the doubt the first time simply because I didn’t want to believe someone could do that.

Sounds like a priest thing but a priest pulls and you see it pull as you have wings on you, and same with Evoker, the evoker picks you up and drops you off along with them. Warlocks would be obvious cause you took the portal and knew about it. The only thing that it sounds like was you were soul stoned which causes the white effect around your feet but that doesn’t move you.

From all the other classes, none have an ability that affects someone else in pushing them around or teleporting them. Druid roars you’d be moving faster, shaman totem same thing, which are both your control.

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It is possible someone could be using cheats as well, though this is not something we can confirm here too. Only thing the OP can do is report, and let Blizzard investigate if there is any breaches to their policies.

Question though, since I haven’t done Grim Batol since Cataclsym, I don’t fully remember any mechanics at all, but was it possible there is a hidden mechanic that could’ve been there that we all don’t remember too?

I think reporting 1 should be enough to get everyone down for the Blizzard to investigate

Nothing in Grim that has mechanics that move a person, only shackle them in place with Chained mind, and Dragon’s doing knock backs if not LoS’d. Which that is one option of a lag and the dragon blasted at the same time, which does cause a white effect around your feet as you go flying.

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Was my thought for a moment after I saw the white circle but the classes were Shaman, Warrior and Monk.

(3 limit reply >.<)


I did a million of them back in Cata, would so remember this. Unless this is some new surprise upgrade mechanic that Blizz pulled out just me little 'ol me. xD


So I guess that leaves port hack? Has anyone ever heard of people being port hacked?
I am very certain the third time it happened, I was facing the far wall on an angle and then was ported to the edge facing towards it. The second time it happened was just as I was starting the 3rd boss fight so I was facing away from the nearby pit when I got ported to the edge and ran in.

Monk and Shaman would be boost with Windrush totem (Giant Circle on ground) and Tiger’s Lust (Small green around feet) for speed boosts, both with no way to port a player, and Warrior would have absolutely nothing at all for it.

The most likely thing I can think of is the dragons aoe knockback, and OP just positioning poorly in relation to those.

Neither Shaman, Warrior nor monk has anything that can move other friendly players, and swapblasters are not usable in combat.

They did update GB when they brought it back for M+, you’ll notice that the dragon bombing run is shorter, and the 1st and 3rd bosses work very differently.

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Idk if toys work in group finder dungeons.

But if they do work maybe this may be an explanation:

Oh, didnt know that :dracthyr_a1:

You can send an email to hacks@blizzard.com describing the issue. Try to give time and date and where it occurred and, of course, the names of all players involved. Hopefully the hacks team can get to the bottom of it.


It wouldn’t make sense for you to be invited to a group just to grief you…especially if this was an M+ run. Weird to kill a key “for the lulz” as the kids say nowadays.

While Life Grip or Rescue would in theory be able to pull you off a cliff into an abyss, this would require very specific positioning, usually crossing over one of the bridges or on the edge of the hole in-between walkways. By your description it doesn’t sound like either of those, though. None of the classes you mentioned has that ability either, and no toy aside from Swapblaster would be able to move you…And none of those would be able to use Swapblaster if they’re over a pit without dooming themselves.

The only knockback that I know of in GB is Varona’s Twilight Buffet. I don’t know the visual effect of getting hit but it does knock back.

Do you recall where you were in the dungeon when this started happening?

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Did you look at your combat log? It should show what happened

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You mentioned oceanic servers. Were you connected to American servers at the time? That can cause loads of lag. It’s possible you were lagging so badly your character was porting around but you didn’t realize.

There are also some dragons that you can spawn in that have a very similar knockback, which is what I suspect happened.

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It was this, 100%. There’s no class ability that causes the white effect, especially with the group makeup. The dragon knockback does cause the white effect at your feet.

Even so, being kicked from a group is not griefing.

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Swapblaster does have an animation that includes a white circle, like a star trek teleporter, at the location of the user, to which the victim is teleported.

You can see it in this short:


It’s a Swapblaster.

Thank you to Daiky and Deevax for helping me solve this mystery. (and to Pööh for that useful email that might come in handy sometime)

I found a post calling out Swapblaster’s potential use to grief folks dating way back to 2022 so I can conclude that Blizzard will not be resolving this. (New/returning people like myself would not know how to tell what happened to me which is why I came here. If Blizzard added a feature to the device that posted in chat and/or combat log (Ahole used Swapblaster on Character), it might make it easier to report griefers and reduce the griefing overall. Unless it does and I missed it >.<)

What I do plan to do is teach my hunter friend to look for the bright blue light that appears underneath the owner’s feet so I can effectively report them in game and make a few Neural Silencers.

Thanks again, folks.