Possible druid forms for all races discussion!

We all know that Blizz is slowly but surely opening up the classes to all races. With the next major patch taking place in the Emerald Dream (or so I’ve been told, don’t burn me at the stake for getting wrong information), it’s possible that druid might be one of the next classes to grace the various races. If Blizz continues with its theme for each race to have their own unique forms then new forms are eminent! So I just want to have a fun discussion about what y’all think the various races might get for their forms.

I’m personally going to focus mainly on the cat forms since that’s the only one I’ve put much thought into, but I would love to hear all of y’alls ideas.

Nightborne: For sure mana sabers

Blood elves: Lynxes from their area.

Draenei: The cats from argus that hunters can tame.

Void elves: I think it would make sense to replace their “cat” form with a spider form since it’s more nightmare based, and the nightmare is the druidic forces twisted by the void anyhow.

Humans: They might just get wickerman cat forms like thicc bois since they’re all humans anyway.

Gnomes: Standard housecats lol.

Orcs: Maybe they’ll bring back the Saberon form for them since they’re both from Draenor?

Dracthyr: The dragonkin cats that pop up all over in the Dragon Isles. Maybe make their bear form one of those dragonkin frogs XD

Pandaren: Defo a tiger, but I would love for Pandas to finally get druid!

Dwarf: The ice sabers from Dun Morogh. Their bear form I can see being some variant of the stone bears (maybe make them crystal bears?) from the Legion artifact weapon.

Vulpera: Fennec fox lol

Goblin: No druid for them. They can turn into sludge monsters or something since that’s all they do to nature anyway.

Undead: Their demon hounds in Tirisfal would be cool, but so would a black widow spider!

Let me know what y’all would like to see though! I’d love to hear about all the other forms and their possibilities as well.


I think they will eventually come but my very lame guess is they’ll be triracial-quadraracial models.

Guessing Human will share some models with KT.

Draenei with how close they are I physically will share with Nelves.

Orc is hard to say.

Blood Elves might have sleek Silvermoon esque ones.

Nightborne has mana saber

Pandas have celestials

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Mechagnome transformers would be something else lol.


If pandaren don’t have celestial forms I’ll eat glass.


Blizzard probably won’t deviate from the typical Druid silhouettes that much, and frankly, I don’t think there’s a large appeal for a spider form as a base. Maybe a glyph, but not the default.

Personally, I think Blizzard will be “economical” when it comes time for Druid forms for other races. Draenei and Lightforged will probably use similar druid form models with different coloring and accents. Blood Elves and Void Elves will probably use similar models, again with different coloring and accents.

Example Blood Elf & Void Elf cat forms:



I’m still pissed that this wasnt the Troll druid form.
I remember seeing this and everyone was so hyped… and then we got weird rainbow tigers.


Personally, I’d just be happy with generic forms if it means that the class is open to more races. Until they got around to implementing race-specific ones, anyway. Especially since the Legion artifact forms probably get more use than the base race ones (for people who actually have them, at least).


I love the rainbow tigers, but those you just linked do look cool.

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As an option, sure, but not the only option for feral velves. I’d rather just a void cat, but I also love cats and hate spiders and bugs in general so I am a little biased.

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i wouldnt even be mad if they gave pandas forms based on the celestials. i would probably never play a panda but it would be so cool to have each spec get a form from them

im really hoping they use new races becoming druids as a jumping point to add different beasts for cat and bear from like the zand trolls got. like spider wolves goats frogs that demon dog in the forsaken starting zones.

i would be fine with this if they would also unlock the forms so we can pick which ones we want from the preexisting ones we have now. i always liked the tauren cat form but i dont like playing taurens so i never had 1


Not entirely the most imaginative list, but I’ll give it a shot.

For the Alliance

Race Catform Bear Form Balance Form Flight Form
Human Lion Bear Moonkin Eagle
Dwarf Snow Leopard Polar Bear Yeti Gryphon
Gnome Mechacat Mechabear Mechakin Mechastrider
Draenei Panthara Basilisk Moonkin Mana Ray
Pandaren Tiger Ox Crane Cloud Dragon
L. Draenei L. Panthara L. Basilisk L. Moonkin L. Mana Ray
Void Elf N. Lynx N. Bear N. Arrakoa Void Phoenix
D. I. Dwarf Core Hound Core Hound Magma Giant Firehawk
Mechagnome Mechacat Mechabear Mechakin Mechastrider
Dracthyr Scaled Cat Scaled Bear Scaled Boomkin Proto-Drake

To explain some of the abbreviations, L. would stand for Light/Lightforged, so in the case of the Lightforged Draenei, we’d see standard Draenei forms with more light theming. As for the N. forms for Void Elves, those are meant to be Nightmare forms. They’re studying the void, then their druids should be studying the Nightmare. Unless these are High Elves, in which case… just generic forms I suppose. The use of, ‘Arrakoa,’ here is also meant to imply using that model/skeleton, similar to how the Zandalari do for their Balance form.

For the Horde

Race Catform Bear Form Balance Form Flight Form
Orc Dire Wolf Boar B. Arrakoa Wyvern
Forsaken Undead Cat Undead Bear Wraith/Banshee/Lich Gargoyle
Blood Elf Lynx Bear Arrakoa Phoenix
Goblin Mechacat Mechabear Shredder Zeppelin
Pandaren Tiger Ox Crane Cloud Dragon
Nightborne Mana Saber Crystal Bear Moonkin Owl
Mag’har Dire Wolf Boar Arrakoa Wyvern
Vulpera Fox Bear Boomkin Moth
Dracthyr Scaled Cat Scaled Bear Scaled Boomkin Proto-Drake

Explaining some options here, for Orcs, B. Arrakoa would mean the Broken Arrakoa model, as we first knew them back in BC. For the Undead Balance form, I was really torn between something like a Flesh Golem/Abomination, and Wraiths/Banshees/Liches. I think the Wraith/Banshee works better, but I’m sure some players would love to have a Lich form as Forsaken. There was some serious temptation to suggest Abominations as their bear form too.

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Nah…humans will be:

Cat form: horse
Bear form: big horse
Travel form: race horse, sea horse, Pegasus
Boomkin/moonlit form: my little pony


I think balance for pandas would be Yu’lon, not Chi-Ji.

When you fight her on Timeless Isle, she uses balance-like abilities. And I know both Chi-ji and Yu’lon are healers but I would say out of the two, Chi-ji focuses more on it. Anduin went to his school, not Yu’lon’s, for study. When you did the legendary questline for the cloak, Yu’lon’s challenge was for ranged dps and Chi-ji’s was for healers.

I would go:
Guardian - ox
Feral - tiger
Balance - form with a wind serpent-type head
Ground travel - crane
Air travel - pandaren phoenix
Water travel - turtle


I would have thought regal looking lions would be obvious for Stormwind humans.

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After what they did for kul tirans and zandalari, i will be super disappointed if void elf druids dont get forms ripped straight from nzoths nightmares.


Same honestly. There are so many forms you can use from Legion and what not, you can still customize your forms to suit your preference.

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I say open up all forms for all races. As well as add more new ones or better yet add the ability to tame wild appearances from animals we befriend.

In my opinion we really don’t need a ton of art assets created for a class that only a small percentage of druids can use.


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Manabear for Bear Form and manasaber for Cat Form, but I’m at a lose for the others (at least off the top of my head).

Lynx for Cat Form, hawkstrider for Travel Form, and dragonhawk for Flight Form, but again at a lose for the rest.

Elekk for Bear Form, panthara (Argus panthers) for Cat Form, talbuk for Travel Form, and mana ray for Flight Form. I’m just going to list forms I have an idea for…

Void stalker for Cat or Travel Form and void hawkstrider for Travel Form (if not void stalker).

Grizzly bear for Bear Form, fox for Cat Form, horse for Travel Form, gryphon-esque for Moonkin Form, and gryphon for Flight Form.

Pass (for now).

Boar for Bear Form, crocolisk for Aquatic Form, wolf for Travel Form, and wyvern for Flight Form.

I’m running out of time so I’m passing on these for now.

But I will chime in about Troll Druids as they could use a refresher on their forms: gorilla for Bear Form, tiger for Cat Form (more than the current iteration), toucan/bird of paradise/tropical bird-esque uncorrupted arakkoa for Moonkin Form, sea turtle for Aquatic Form, feathered raptor for Travel Form (to differentiate from Zandalari Troll Druid’s Travel Form), and bat for Flight Form (just update the model or use the felbat model from Legion like Blizzard did for Hir’eek). Basically lean all in to the tropical theme of shapeshifts for Trolls.

I don’t want to play the guess the cat form game.

Just want my mecha druid and vulpera druid!!!
…and if they have glowing innards and cool skeletal frames, then definitely an undead Druid!!!

Good topic though! :slightly_smiling_face: