Possession (Mind Control) Bar not Implemented

Patch 2.3 changed the way Possess Bars work, but this change has not made its way to TBC Classic:

When you are possessing a target (Priest Mind Control, Eyes of the Beast, using a Steam Tonk, etc), you now get their action bar as your primary action bar rather than having a mini action bar above your normal action bar.

Source: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_2.3.0#User_Interface

Currently, we are still getting controlled unit’s actions on a pet bar, rather than as our primary action bar.

Other scenarios this applies to include (but are not limited to):

  • Shartuul’s Transporter demons
  • Teron Gorefiend’s Shadow of Death

Well, Black Temple releases this week, and it looks like this issue still hasn’t been fixed. That should make the Teron Gorefiend fight interesting.

Almost a year later and still not fixed. In case any additional context helps, here’s a video of Teron from 2008. The hunter’s primary action bar changes to have the ghost abilities on it. This is not working correctly in TBC Classic.

This was finally fixed in Classic Wrath of the Lich King in Beta build 44930.

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