Positives of keeping abilities locked to covenants?

Anything not easy to swap like a new talent row should be considered and absolute loss for all wow players of all content. Why would anyone be mad at having 4 spells to play with instead of 1?

How could that possibly upset anyone?


Just think, we haven’t even hit the “They’ll fix it in beta!” stage yet.


That gets fixed in the last patch of the expansion like essences.


I’m mostly just stating that’s often now how they do it, to make it as easy as a talent row. They seem very stubborn on this sort of thing since they want this decision to have meaning, I don’t really know why. They Did it with essences in bfa and legendaries in legion with making it anti player, just kinda lost faith in them doing stuff actually fair and fun I guess? So I would at least like a middle ground.

It’s a miracle enough that they seemed to loosen the reigns on being somewhat alt friendly as well.

Of course it is. It’s just another in a long series of ploys to make players play more by having to level up more alts and maintain them at max level.

If you didn’t see lots of posts about “I’m going to be leveling up 4 of each armor type to unlock all the transmog,” or “I’m going to be leveling up 1 for each covenant so i can do all the quests,” you haven’t been paying attention.

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Decisions with rentals builds player apathy.

Let the decision making come with something that lasts beyond a patch or expansion.


That would be fine as long as they don’t nerf stuff too fast or change it up too much that it doesn’t feel what you want. I don’t fully mind making and committing to the decision, just feels off with multiple specs.

These should be talents. I’m honestly getting so sick of these temporary powers every expansion lately. Stop giving me abilities for an expansion and then taking them way.

Also having to choose the best ability or the best transmog is stupid. Covenants should be aesthetics and different story only IMO.

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No it’s not. It’s for esports and something for high end players to strive for.
Even I said I’m going to level four up one of each covenant for the stories. That is casual content and does not even take a long time. Why? It’s because I enjoy that.

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I’m a non mythic, non M+ casual and I see no upside, even for my play style. Looking at my toons and the covenant abilities it appears I’ll pick covenants for toons I normally would not just to get what I consider the better tool set for futzing around. The abilities are so imbalanced.

Positives? Your choices matter and you have to pick between RPG story elements and borrowed power that might be better for a certain niche of the game. It’s similar to priest racials in classic, old school profession buffs, and racials throughout WoW’s history. I plan to just pick the covenant that makes the most sense story wise depending on the class, and level classes that fit to see all the content.


If you need to quote classic wow design to defend a current day wow addition, you’re just as out of touch as Ion and the gang are.


If you want to choose the strongest covenant power-wise, or the coolest lore or aesthetics-wise, then you’re better off levelling and gearing a second, third, and fourth Shaman…

That way you can have the strongest covenant on one, and the coolest on the other… I for one will pick the coolest and easiest looking covenant since they won’t matter anyway…

Much like racial powers, they will most likely only be within 0.5% of strength within each other so as a Mythic raider my choice isn’t made harder by having to sim the best covenant…

Please don’t ever change it. It freakin’ cracks me up to see it. An avatar with a gnome hunter gun in the foreground looking like Dirty Harry is so much win.

I love General Discussion just got OP here barfing his life story all over us like we care.

Feels good man!

Pick a different weight point. I mean just by way of example being transmog locked would be a huge weight point for a large proportion of players without affecting game power. I would think VERY carefully about which Covenant to join if I knew I was mog locked.


Imagine having 1020 posts but not willing to have a discussion about a very concerning design of the newest expansion coming off one of the worst expansions ever.

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Around here thats every expansion! :confetti_ball:

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WoD is waving howdy at you from the past.

Blizz snickers all the way to the bank as anything from WoD onwards was a beta product released as live and complete, only to end up with blanket 50% nerfs because blizz no longer has the talent capable of doing the math.

Nothing new here. The game they still call wow has no resemblance to the wow that once 12 millions played. Good luck and have fun progressing only to have your entire build nerfed into nothingness mid expansion.

Oh and lets not forget they released bfa with broken classes and an empty promise to fix them, it never happened.