Positive conversation about MoS/WCB

I think what he’s referencing is that there was some developer interview that surfaced a while back and they actually said that they didn’t think world buffs would be something that people got all the time, every raid. Just that they would be like, a nice bonus or maybe something to push a boss you were struggling with?

I’ve heard people talk about it, but I’ve never watched/read it myself. Maybe Corpseknife can provide a link?

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There’s an actual blue quote at the beginning of Classic on this forum referencing the original intent of WBs. I can’t be bothered to look it up at the moment and its really something people should be privy too when discussing this topic anyway.


Oh, well, sure.

I think if the devs saw an issue with using WBs in raids, they would’ve fixed it, even back in 2004-2006. Now, there are certainly way more a % of the playerbase using them for raids and such than back in 2004-06 - at least I’d wager a bet on that.

Either way… WBs are an important part of Classic ERA and should continue to be dropped and such throughout the life of ERA.

That’s the point. They didn’t see an issue. The players made it one 15 years later like they’re owed something.

WBs weren’t put into the game for the purpose of nerfing raid content. They’re used that way now but that doesn’t mean they have to be guaranteed forever because meta junkies can’t play without their overgear crutch.


To be 100% and completely frank with you, (maybe you didn’t mean me personally) I have done every raid multiple times without world buffs… It is an ez game no matter how you do it. The 2 fights I’d say are difficult are Saph and KT. I’d put Saph at the hardest fight in the game. Still able to be done with no WBs if you do mechanics.

I get WBs each week to respect the time and commitment each person in our raid has put in.

We enjoy pushing time and do not do any skips or ‘cheese’ the content.

Sounds more interesting and fun to me but to each his own.

If I was going to make any concessions in the name of ally rend I would say let them get it by standing around Org or crossroads without the need for mind control. Sounds like a decent trade off to me.

Holy sh*t… We are getting somewhere now!

I am 100% in agreement with you there… I’d also make the change to allow rend to be repeatable as well. Idk which realm you are on, but our Mankrik cluster has very low horde pop… Would be beneficial to make the quest repeatable at this point. We already only see a handful a week.

MoS was such a good thing and it was a good update. It tells me the developers put thought into the game and that was a good example of critical thinking right there on how to add value to the game without detracting from the spirit of wow vanilla.

The seasonal game.
Where that qol for players with zoomies belongs.

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That’s the clip I figured you were referencing.

Just a personal thought on the matter, I find it a bit weird when he says he can’t understand why guilds require them or why people get so obsessed about it. To me it seems obvious, even if it’s something that I don’t want to participate in myself. Of course people get competitive and want to make things as easy as they possibly can, even when they don’t have to.

But this clip was also just him on the spot so maybe upon further reflection he might have come to a similar conclusion?

This is neither here nor there though, that is indeed what I figured you were referencing and that was good context for the discussion you and Garic were having.

I like this as well.

I’m a bit hesitant here. So like, ignoring WCB shennanigans, at the end of the day world buffs have become a nice payoff for people willing to invest the time and effort in getting them. If you wanna clear faster, parse higher, or just get a little extra push downing a boss your group is struggling with you get them. Otherwise, you don’t.

The guild I am uses them for the latter, to get that little extra push. We don’t use them on every boss and have killed most Naxx bosses without them. I think the only outliers are Sapph and KT. We also still struggle on Loatheb, Patch, and weirdly Gothikk depending on who turns up that night as we rarely have a full raid. This is fine for us and we’re happy with our raids, but part of the reason for this is because World Buffs are limited for us, perhaps much more so than on any other server. It’s only us, after all.

If you make the buff quests repeatable that is certainly more convenient in their acquisition but it also really just net decreases the difficulty of all of the content. I mean in that scenario there would be no reason to not have world buffs, all the time. I’m not yet sure I like the idea of that… Classic raids aren’t all that hard and speed clearing isn’t a motivation of mine, even if it is for other people too.

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As well you should be.
If that, then might as well put in the buff vendor.


While I do think that might be the ultimate end, I’m trying to avoid slippery slope and just think about what that might mean for the game. Which is what the rest of my discussion goes into detail for. Vendor or no though, it really does mean pretty much world buffs all the time, which is totally the case now for a lot of people, but it comes at a cost.

Even retail doesn’t go that far… and I actually like their approach. I’ve mentioned it a few times but couldn’t remember the name until now. It’s the Vantus Runes. You get to use it on one boss per week and it gives you a pretty significant boost to your performance to help you get past a boss you’ve been working on, or progress a little farther in the fight.

Not that I’m advocating for this to be what world buffs become in Era (#minimalchanges :P), I’m just saying… that’s a rather appropriate solution.

He goes into it a little bit in that clip. He figures the content is so figured out he has doubts that guilds are relying on it for boss kills. Either he wasn’t aware of the parsing meta or he was and he still didn’t think it was necessary to make it required.

Someone had made a compilation of Mr. Jordan’s comments on Classic where he took some shots at Blizzard and players, especially around TBCC’s release but like the blue quote I cant find it in a minute or less so Im not going to waste time digging. If memory serves, he does elucidate on some of those points.

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Yea, I caught that bit of it, but it just felt like he was completely unaware of how competitive and/or fixated on “the best” humans can get. I don’t mean this to take a shot at him, like I said it just might not have occurred to him on the spot, I just find it odd. While I understand why parse meta exists, that doesn’t mean I don’t find it crazypants. I’m not very competitive at all though.

If you ever do find it, drop it on the forums. I wouldn’t mind reading it just for additional perspective/insight.

I disagree. If a QOL change adds to my experience in vanilla, it should be in the game.