Portal room in Stormwind gone

The portals in Stormwind Mages Quarter is no longer there. If you go into the tower where it should be, run up the stairs, and try to go through the portal opening there is nothing behind it but a wall. Have they moved the Stormwind portals somewhere else in the city??

I had that issue on an alt and turned out, I still had to do the intro quests in Legion, see if you still have those in SW keep to do or any quest in there for that matter, it could be phasing you

Thanks for the response, but it actually was not on this character (if I tried to get into Stormwind on this Horde toon, he would be killed quickly), and I attempted to delete this posting, but it was not deleted for some reason…
In any case, it is not a phasing issue (Blizz loves to blame phasing issues for everything since they came up with phasing), I know this because the exact same character that is truly having this problem, has used the portal room many times before. As well, she can use outside portals back to Stormwind, and end up in the portal room just fine, except when she leaves the portal room the entrance seems to seal up behind her, and turn into a wall that doesn’t lead anywhere but into the wall behind the entrance gate thingy. It is confusing truthfully, as the portal room does exist somewhere, but I cannot find any way into it from inside the city, and if I am in a group, they can all go through the entrance in the wizard tower, which to me is just a solid wall, as if the gateway thing does nothing.
I have tried it with other characters, including some that are brand new, and have done no quests at all, it seems to only be happening on one of my Alliance characters. I have put in a Ticket (possibly worthless), run the Repair Utility on the game (came back saying no repairs needed), and so now I am waiting for a useful answer from someone, ANYBODY, but am not holding my breath. Hoping to not be forced to unsub over this honestly!!

PS. I am also confused by how anytime I try to quote a post in these forums, it removes the quote, and I have to edit my reply post to put the quote back into it??

I assumed it was not on that character, but what your describing, is EXACTLY the issue my paladin had. I could port into the portal room, but the second I left and tried to reenter via the door, it was a wall where the entrance should be. as soon as I went to SW keep I found a quest that involved me doing the starting quest for legion, despite never actually doing it (It was a boosted toon for bfa so I assumed this was done already) I did the beginning of the questline til I was teleported to new dalaran, and boom portal issue fixed. I wasn’t saying Blizzard was blaming it on phasing. I figured out on my OWN it was a phasing issue. I would check for any unfinished quests at the SW harbor as it could be there as well.

Thank you, but as I already said, I did just that, and it opened up for me…
It was strange because I had never accepted that quest, I suppose it was like auto-accept or something!!