Portal room in orgrimmar

what does everyone think about the new portal room in org ?

Disliked it initially, but am coming to appreciate the convenience.

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Should have just been one portal to a hub. Every area then would only need that one portal and you can use that hub to go anywhere.

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It’s very nice, but like most things, it looks like Blizzard put substantially less work in Orgs portal room than SW’s portal room.


Why do you feel like that?

it looks like everything else the orcs make…ugly.


Absolutely - especially with the second level of portals (Caverns of Time etc) which is miles out of the way down multiple flights of stairs.

Even more annoying, if you take the portal to Org from Trashran, it puts you DOWNSTAIRS - so if you’re trying to get anywhere useful you’ve got to navigate the maze first, rather than teleporting in to the main room like you used to.

Probably some “meaningful portals” decision on the part of the devs as part of the whole meaningfulness blitz.

And by “meaningful,” as always, I mean “pointless wastage of time.”


Alliance one is better

I wish old expansion capital cities like shatt/dalaran/shrine still had city portals. I’d set my hearth to mop any day


Enter the SW portal room, and there’s a nice Stained glass window with light cascading through it, onto the ground with light rays shining through the room. This is very nice looking, and Org does have a similar effect, but it’s nowhere near as nice or complex as SW’s.

There’s also the layout, which is kind of bad, BUT the 2nd level is a copy paste of the first level.

Also, there’s more doodads, or assets around in SW. Candles, a magic broom, elementals etc. etc. In Org you do have a peon walking around, and you do have resources (lumber and boxes) which are thematically accurate, but they’re copy pasted to each location and they don’t look as interesting or nice as SW’s doodads.

I’m not saying the Org portal room looks bad, but it could have used a bit more love, in my opinion.

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It’s fine, it could use minor improvements

  1. Put the portals in order of expansion

  2. Bring Back Blasted Lands Porta;


I think they carved it out and were like whoops not big enough. We need a sub basement.

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Most of my characters have their hearth set to Northrend Dalaran.


I routinely use new dala and my death gate


Gotta love the Death Gate. I would love for Blizz to bring Northrend up to the graphic quality we have now.

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Yeah, looking at both, there’s really no comparison, SW’s Portal room looks much, much nicer.

I’m genuinely curious if the same people do Alliance and Horde art assets, because Horde needs a lot of help.

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It sure is a thing that exists.

I like it better than the Stormwind one.

Sure the Alliance one is prettier, but the Horde one is easier to access from the bank and AH.


Yeah, the locality is fine, but it’s lifeless. There’s just not as much going on. Sure, SW’s is prettier, but it’s also more alive, and more detailed. Org’s portal room is empty by comparison.

bet you spend more time on your alliance toon then on the horde side so with that said you do not see the activity of the hordes portal room .

My complaint has always been: stop removing the portals from other locations, only to favor Stormwind and Orgrimmar. It does not make the world feel bigger, It makes the denizens feel dumber, since hanging out in one major city for 16 years is more likely to make you forget there are even other cities to go to.

To make a world feel bigger, add the fine details, and take the time, so that it feels like there are actually people who live here, that there are places worth visiting, and that our lives… our lives somehow have meaning. (sorry for the Northrend Dalaran flashbacks)

All major cities should have the amenities, like barbers, portal rooms, transmog, void storage (or turn it into Account Storage), etc. All portals should be represented, even if it drops you outside plagued Undercity or from Stormwind to Ironforge. It should be a huge deal, and should be impressive when entering. Maybe it could be more like the Illidari jail cells, where there are additional portals on a raised section, but you can still see them from the center of the room, like a big beehive…