Portal in Valdrakken gone?

Did they move the portal that used to be by the stairs or is it just gone now?
The one that used to lead to other portals

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Probably? It led to other portals when the M+ rotation included dungeons from older expansions. I’m pretty sure we’re back to DF-only dungeons making the extra portals superfluous.

It’s no longer needed so it is gone. All the dungeons on the M+ rotation are local, sans Ulduar.


I used it to get to Kul’Taris area’s easily as a Horde player

Sure, but the intended purpose was to make it easier to get to the relevant dungeons when we had Freehold and then Waycrest in the rotation. They aren’t part of M+ this season, so Blizzard removed it since it no longer serves a purpose—the purpose they added it for at any rate.


I do always miss a good extra portal or two… at this point all of WoW is so damn big. RIP

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That’s why I will never give up being an Engineer. Wormholes are too invaluable.


This and my toys and trinkets.
My dk is essentially a mage. Even have a portal or 2 i can cast for the group :joy:


Be an engineer and get M+ portals teleport everywhere all of the time.

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portals go kaboom.

If only those portals didnt have such a long cd and were boa.

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The way for Horde to get to Kul’ Taris if you didn’t do the BFA campaign on the character you’re play is ridiculous

I have to do the the early parts of BFA on every single character so I can access all the BFA area’s that’s kind of crap.

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Will be BoA Soon, and the long CD could always be offset be running a low key or just spacing out the global teleport rituals over different days.

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I was doing my BFA dungeon runs and went to try to use the portal to Zuldazar and it was gone and I was so sad

This will make getting everyone to Dunegorger annoying as well lol

Guess all my alts will have to be engineers, the shadowlands and bfa portals are the only way to get around without making me want to log off and play something else lol

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