Just upgraded Venthyr travel network to rank 3, and the portal to oribos is nowhere to be found.
bumping with one of the beta threads and another thread about this in questing
They forreal probably forgot to implement it because it wasn’t implemented in beta
This is unreal. Has there been any update as to what the issue is?
Only update I got was to create a ticket, and devs would take a look after the holidays.
Super disappointing. Can’t believe that this has been going on since Jan and no resolve.
No responses in non-EU forums. A post reporting this bug in the EU forums had a blue poster say it needed to be reported as a bug. Bumping.
Hello, I just noticed the Oribos portal upon landing at the flight master in Sinfall. It’s finally there for me at least!
Yes. I saw it last night. It’s working now.