Population in pvp is wow dead?

Not just the same people… Lengthy lengthy ques. The few people left have every class and devs do even less balancing than this game so it’s like 10v10 of the couple op classes. Super super boring. I basically just play it for the stories now sadly.

Sith for life.

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Haha I was an op… Such a bad a** story.


Been awhile since I played.

I was a sorc, I wanted them to see the full POWA of the dark side.

I haven’t played in years, I’m just a dark side mfer for ever.

Jedi are a bunch of sissies.

It’s not the game that’s declining. It’s the genre.

WoW is still top dog in number of players. It used to be by a wide margin now it’s very close (with FFIV and EOS among a couple others). The reason it’s close is not because the other MMOs are pulling in the new generation of players. It’s the old generation leaving. WoW came down to the other’s level in other words, the others didn’t catch up.

Progression and working your way up is not a thing in the newer games. There’s a lot of “jump right in” types out there where you don’t have to work your way up to get to the “end game” stuff. That’s what’s attracting players these days. :cry:


this game has more people playing pvp than all other mmo’s combined. try some of those if you want to experience dead.

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Time of the day . There is lit tons of yolo groups as alliance throughout the day .

Agreed lel :partying_face:

I qued for bgs on my 65 heal sorc the other day cuz i havnt palyed swtor in forever still beast mode . 3 mil to 5 mil in healing 2k to 5k hps won all my 4v4s . Then i got bored

you’re a dunce if you provide every other reason other than ‘there are just not enough players’ to the OP’s question.

Are we all playing the same game? Queues popping in every bracket for BGs, different names every match while leveling. 1-2 minute queues as Alliance at max level, and see different people each match (though epics seem to have some of the same names)


Lol I tested this on my Ally character in rbgs. There was one lfg group listed that was a 2300 xp something something. I made a yolo no voice group and had a full team in about 2 minutes. People are looking for groups to join but no one is starting the group.


swtor bg’s are much better than arena.

It’s still a wide margain, Eso & FF are very low pop. FF has 200k active players currently. It was peaking at 250k, there’s a site that tracks the pop. As for ESO it’s no where near that. WoW is likely still above 2 million subs and less than 5 mill.

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Even their arena feels better then wow arena imo

Not nearly as wide a margin as before and not the point I was making. WoW peaked at 12 million but none of the others I could find ever peaked above 2 million. So a 10 million gap then as opposed to a 3-4 million gap now at best. The top 5 MMORPGs today combined don’t match the 12m this game alone once had.

This is still the best of the genre but the genre has declined significantly and is unlikely to get back to where it was and may keep declining in coming years. The only kids I know of today that play, do so because their parents got them into it. Left to their own devices, kids aren’t choosing games like this anymore.

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this probably has more to do with the fact that a kid today is more likely to have an iphone than a desktop pc, this is going to limit what they can game on. the generation that buys and builds gaming pcs is the one that grew up with them, new kids missed out on that era.

Is Fortnite a mobile? CoD? PUBG? They have more users, more young users, than MMORPGs do today. Without looking them up, I would bet all of those have more weekly users than WoW.

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Mmorpg genre still has plenty of interest, the mmos now are non innovative. There’s a reason when every trash Asian mmo that releases everyone hypes it, then it crashes and burns. Bless Online an actual trash game that has failed in the East & launched in the west generated huge hype but was bad.

BFA at launch generated a ridiculous amount of hype on twitch with nearly every og streamer trying it out. It failed too.

The margain is still ridiculously wide, all those other games will bleed faster than wow too.

This genre would be huge if one game dev company took it seriously and pulled a blizzard of 2004. The thing is times have changed and the large crowd that want a good mmo want a lack of montizing in the game which is a stable of games nowadays, and developers/publishers rather support a mobile game or a br.
Times have changed for the worst for everything, even the culture. Everyone is craving a good mmo.