Oh yes indefinitely, but in retail unless you had a premade, 40 people from who knows what realm are not going to listen as a cohesive unit. And that battle would only be in one location, at either base which kind of takes out the fun in control points
Each Battleground has an individual turn-in quest associated with its related victory/loss condition. Upon completion of a Battleground, the winning side will be awarded three Marks of Honor while the losing side will be awarded one Mark of Honor. Three Marks of Honor may be turned in to the associated questgiver for Honor points and faction increase. Should players complete this turn-in quest, they will find that the bonus Honor Points for completion are twice that of normal turn-in conditions (individual).
Marks were a thing in Vanilla. They changed uses though in the expansions.
Of course it is you. If the one that picks who gets hit have financial motivation from you in the form of 15/month. He will always make the choice with most bets on
Then why do you care what version? Oh yeah because it’s way easier to stop a zerg in 1.5. This whole you can zerg any version likes it’s a cake walk no matter the version.
That is flat out not true. I joined in TBC and we as Horde always played defense at the IBC choke and dominated. Rushing did not occur on my battlegroup at least until Cata.
Rep had next to nothing to do with why I enjoyed Alterac Valley. Why even try? Because it is fun. A challenge, that truly felt like more than a tacked on concept (like a warfront). But it may be lightning that won’t go in the bottle again. I guess we may never know.
Efficient honor was not why people played AV. They played to win a war. It was endgame at one point. Before new tiers of raid were released it was exactly on the same level as raiding. People that play pvp want content for pvp players, not for raiders to skim off of for gear.
No one wanting to play 1.5 AV except the many thousands asking for it. They petitioned a while back, and there are multiple threads made by concerned people on the forums here.
It never happened before. I seriously doubt it. I guess specific servers may vary, but my servers (Silver Hand, RP/Arthas, PVP) always had at least two going.
The only reason it won’t be a part of classic is because the team probably don’t have the resources to make it happen. Classic wow is definitely going to be low budget relative to retail wow.
In short, I find your ability to assume that ‘no one’ wants to play a 1.5 AV to be wrong. And your concerns about the speed to gain rewards shows me you aren’t interested in content as much as getting to ‘the end’.
Early versions of Alterac Valley were completely unique. To me, there was no content like it in any game ever, before or since. To me it was more than a novelty. I truly never had more fun in a video game. I was really looking forward to it.
I hope I’ve at least shown you that your various assertions are not entirely true.
Almost feels like you’re fighting a legitimate war against the opposite faction. Slowly pressing forward, capturing and holding strategic points, reinforcing your lines while protecting your flanks, tactics. Individual battles didn’t win wars. Collective victories were what won the day. I personally want the 3-5 DAYS LONG AV Battles, but if I have to settle on the 1.12 version, you can rest assured I will still be there to fight the good fight.
This is clearly just a cost cutting measure. Even if 1.5 was too long or whatever, there’s still no excuse for not giving back the NPCs and stuff like that that took actual flavor out the BG. And people will decide to zerg it, more power to your group if you can hold them off and get some real pvp in.