Pop up window

is there way to set it up so that wow pops up automatically if i minimize the screen while waiting for a dungeon or bg all i get is small red dot so i miss ques

Not that I’m aware of. However, it makes a big loud trumpet fanfare when it pops, so it’s pretty hard to miss. Also, you can make the taskbar icon flash, which I can’t remember if it’s by default or requires an add on.

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That answer would be a second monitor with sound playing in the background

My monitor is a 68" tv… I can’t go back to a regular monitor. I know their refresh rates are a little better… But I got used to the surround picture

Yes, its on by default. Will flash your taskbar icon/bar when any in-game popup alerts you, and also plays sound.

Better option might be to play in windowed mode?

Idk, on my computer, the icon on the bar at the bottom of the computer flashes an orange/yellow color. Yours doesn’t do that?