Apparently after someone killed me in Vulduun, my health remained at 1 HP and i was able to keep damaging other players without getting hit or killed. This is the second time this has happened.
When does this game come out of ALPHA. I can’t seem to die lol
I suspect lack of QA/QC is a direct result of budget cutbacks to the game. When you’re a publicly traded company, all you care about is showing increasing profits, and cutting back on expenses is one way to make it look like you’re making more profit.
Not since Vanilla has the released product been so shoddy and at least Vanilla had the excuse of being their first time making a product like this and then having to deal with it having like 10x more players than they ever thought it’d have putting stress on the servers.
I was just leveling an alt in the Burning Steppes today and all auto-accept follow-up quests were glitching out and displaying a quest box with no text that couldn’t be accepted. That’s never happened before and shouldn’t happen on a feature that’s been around for years.
From what Ive been hearing (admittedly mostly on here) there has been some pay problems at Blizz, some of the youtube community was given some info about it. And that may explain some of it away… still youd think there would be someone noticing this by now.
Using beta as a real beta instead of a means to sell your product, having a team of competent developers, and having a competent QA team is exactly how this works.
No matter if this issue has been happening since like WoD, people will always find an excuse and say something like “yo dude the xpac is recent, have patience” then several xpacs and patches laters they’ll insist you gotta be patient.