Polymorph: Why Does It Heal?

because being a sheep removes all the burdens of being an adult adventurer in world of warcraft and you are free to mindlessly wander about in complete zen.

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The heal is a legacy feature from the days of classic, when CC was more limited and powerful. Also, Mage could kill within a very small window - so just allowing resets of combat through sheep needed a punishing component - hence the heal.

This is true. However, now that everyone and their mother can cc and that frostbolt does 2% of a players health, its time for Blizzard to show the smallest amount of attention to frost mage. Be it with frostbolt damage, sheep, GS damage… literally ANYTHING. I have been playing frost mage since vanilla when it was an unique and fun class. Now, its is mediocre at everything and good for nothing.

Ive watched some pvp streams lately from Glad mages and they make mage look incredibly powerful. I think its the top skill based class.