Depends on which char’s class:
Death Knight - 3
Demon Hunter - 12
Druid - 4
Hunter - 4
Mage - 9
Monk - 7
Paladin - 8
Priest - 3
Rogue - 6
Shaman - 7
Warrior - 6
Warlock - 4
Depends on which char’s class:
Death Knight - 3
Demon Hunter - 12
Druid - 4
Hunter - 4
Mage - 9
Monk - 7
Paladin - 8
Priest - 3
Rogue - 6
Shaman - 7
Warrior - 6
Warlock - 4
I got one at 9 and two at 6
Why are you salty bro.
It’s possible to do it as a holy priest. Some people on the forums have. It’s just the initial difficulty is insanely high at low cloak ranks. A Holy priest will have to work harder or use more keys to get the same upgrades as other more optimal classes/specs.
I’m still working on my gear and getting enough mementos to pick up the solo buffs at the console. I never expected to go in there alone, so I chose all the group stuff first.
…on my back. What? Do you think I’m some kind of wears-his-cloak-on-his-leg kind of freak or something?
Look, I was much younger back then! DON’T JUDGE ME!
wraps cloak around leg and sighs contentedly
Every requirement that wasn’t 1 entrance just got effectively halved with entrance gains also like doubling since patch launch. There is your catch up.
I just find this alongside the sudden drop of a HERES HOW TO GET YOUR CLOAK random topic to be really weirdly timed and offputting.
I like HV and the cloak upgrade mechanic works decently for progression though. The actual legendary status they gave it is pretty dumb though.
They didn’t have what would have been my choice. None of my characters have a cloak, thanks to the huge amount of scutwork involved in progressing characters. I’d love to, at least on the higher ilvl ones, but there’s simply no time.
My conclusion is that small indie company shovels massive amounts of scutwork onto late arrivals to keep them out of the end game. Why would they do that? Despite claims that they want the playerbase to improve its skills, they’d rather just push casuals out of the game by blocking them from content.
Who cares?
It’s a blog post.
I knew when my new characters started seeing “how to get to nazjatar” at the top of their quest log that participation goals had not been met. Same with this thread.
Well you apparently care enough
Ok chad
Welcome to the elite and exclusive club! Say no to corruption!
Difficult to solo as mage cause I have to keep moving and the big big enemies hit hard so I sighhhhh have to group and cannot always get time to spend hours and hours to get enough coin to buy the vessels. MAJOR SIGH…
That’s been a thing like all expansion. The war campaign has also occupied that spot since the expansion came out.
I got rank 6 with 6 vessels kept for this week but now i decided to reroll so thanks for ruining my life blizz
It doesn’t take that much effort to just buy a few 445 azerite pieces and set up discipline.
i loled.
I would pay blizzard to not listen GD feedback.
Well, Blizz… you made the cloak mandatory, or at least, the quest line enough for cleansing and momentos.
All mythic chests contain a corrupted item. The quest line is only enjoyable the first few times going through it, and is the most alt unfriendly out there. 1, 2, 3 times ok… start getting into the alts that you claim is a good time to roll, check out new classes? We cannot wear the gear from mythics because of the corruption.
We cannot even cleanse it. At the VERY least, give us the cleansing option without the long and involved tedious running around for the cloak. Since cleansing is permanent and non recoverable, what does it matter we have the cloak or not? Or, give an option to make the cloak account bound once you’ve got it on… 3 toons?
The poll is cute, but doesn’t address the bigger problem of making it mandatory, to use/cleanse to use gear in the game, you HAVE to have it.
can you guys please force more slots taken up by gear we don’t get to decide this xpac please?! /sarcasm